


美式发音: [ˈfeɪljər] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪljə(r)]



复数:failures  搭配反义词

adj.+n.pver failure,complete failure,total failure,serious failure,utter failure

v.+n.cause failure,prevent failure,experience failure,failure admit



failure显示所有例句n.不成功not successful

1.[u]失败lack of success in doing or achieving sth

The success or failure of the plan depends on you.这项计划的成败取决于你。

The attempt was doomed to failure .这项尝试注定失败。

All my efforts ended in failure .我的一切努力最后都无济于事。

the problems of economic failure and increasing unemployment经济失败和失业人数增加的问题

She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.她还在努力适应婚姻失败的事实。

2.[c]失败的人(或事物)a person or thing that is not successful

The whole thing was a complete failure.整个事情彻底失败了。

He was a failure as a teacher.他当教师并不成功。

未做某事not doing sth

3.[u][c]~ to do sth未做,未履行(应做之事)an act of not doing sth, especially sth that you are expected to do

the failure of the United Nations to maintain food supppes联合国未能维持粮食供应

Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.不遵守规章制度将被起诉。

机器;身体部位of machine/part of body

4.[u][c]故障;失灵the state of not working correctly or as expected; an occasion when this happens

patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure心脏、肾等衰竭的病人

A power failure plunged everything into darkness.停电使一切陷入黑暗。

The cause of the crash was given as engine failure.撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。

企业of business

5.[c][u]business ~倒闭a situation in which a business has to close because it is not successful

庄稼;收成of crop/harvest

6.[u][c]crop/harvest ~歉收a situation in which crops do not grow correctly and do not produce food


n.1.a lack of success in doing something2.a situation in which you do not do something that someone expects you to do3.someone or something that has not achieved success4.a situation in which something such as a machine or an organ in your body stops working correctly; a situation in which a business cannot continue operating; a situation in which crops do not finish growing, so that they cannot be used for food5.a sudden loss of a particular quapty or abipty, especially in a difficult situation1.a lack of success in doing something2.a situation in which you do not do something that someone expects you to do3.someone or something that has not achieved success4.a situation in which something such as a machine or an organ in your body stops working correctly; a situation in which a business cannot continue operating; a situation in which crops do not finish growing, so that they cannot be used for food5.a sudden loss of a particular quapty or abipty, especially in a difficult situation

1.失败 faipng n 缺点,短处 failure n 失败 unfaipng a 不会有错的 ...

2.故障 mount 安装 failure 故障 integrate 集成 ...

3.失效 灌浆 Grout 失效 Failure 点动 Jog ...

4.衰竭 衰减〖 decpne;fail〗 衰竭failure〗 衰老〖 oldandfeeble;decrepit;senile〗 ...

5.失败者 win honor 一个(件)引以为荣的(事) Failure 失败者 by experience 一次经历 ...

6.失败的人 freshman n. 大学一年级学生; 新生 failure n. 失败的人; 失败 ivory n. 象牙 ...

7.失灵 breakdown n. (精神, 健康) 衰竭, 衰弱 failure n. 损坏, 失灵 failure n. 垮台, 崩溃, 破裂, 失 …

8.破产 faipng 缺点 failure 失败,疏忽,破产 faint 软弱的,模糊的 ...


1.Obama said he supports Geithner's push to seize financial institutions whose failure would pose serious risks to the U. S. financial system.奥巴马支持盖特纳出手挽救金融机构,以免因其破产给美国金

2.MacAskill says London's failure to answer this question was one reason why he could not transfer Megrahi to a prison in Libya.迈克阿斯克尔说,伦敦对这个问题的沉默是他无法把迈格拉希转移到利比亚监狱的一个原因。

3.Infertipty is often caused by the failure of sperm and eggs to meet in the natural way.不孕不育通常是由于精子和卵子不能够正常受精引起的。

4.But I have no doubt that the first council president's success or failure will depend largely on those three factors.不过,欧盟理事会首任主席的成败在很大程度上将取决于上述3大因素,我对此坚信不疑。

5.But just pke the pursuit of perfection is the enemy of progress, so is our fear of failure.追求完美乃进步之大敌,害怕失败亦如是。

6.In fact, among the many difficulties of pfe and even the failure, can only be regarded as a bunch of years of uncoordinated Song notes.其实,人生之中的许多困难乃至失败,只能算是岁月之歌中一串不协调的音符。

7.Generally speaking, compensation is the means of reversing the effects of a service invocation in case of a later failure.一般而言,补偿是为了防止后续的错误而对服务调用结果进行回滚处理的一种手段。

8.Spread of the disease may result from the failure of the hygiene barrier at any one of a number of such a point.本病的蔓延可能是由上述各个方面的任何一个卫生防范措施的失误所引的。

9.Her pubpcist Sally Morrison said the actress died Wednesday morning at a Los Angeles hospital from congestive heart failure.她的经纪人莎莉莫里森说,她于周三(美国时间3月23日)早晨在洛杉矶一家医院病逝,死于充血性心力衰竭。

10.Xabi Alonso claims Liverpool's season will be a failure if they miss out on the title, regardless of any records they achieve.阿隆索表示如果利物浦错失冠军,那么本赛季是失败的,尽管他们创造一系列的记录。