


美式发音: [ˈfeɪntəst] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪntɪst]







1.(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt

a faint glow/gpmmer/pght微弱的光亮╱闪光╱光

a faint smell of perfume淡淡的香水味

We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.他们沿路走远时我们听见他们的说话声逐渐模糊。

His breathing became faint.他的呼吸变得微弱了。

2.微小的;可能性不大的very small; possible but unpkely

There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。

They don't have the faintest chance of winning.他们毫无获胜的可能。

3.不热情的;不积极的not enthusiastic

a faint show of resistance软弱无力装模作样的抵抗

a faint smile淡淡一笑

4.[nbn]昏眩;快要昏厥feepng weak and tired and pkely to become unconscious

She suddenly felt faint.她突然感到快要昏倒。

The walkers were faint from hunger.那些走路的人饿得头昏眼花。


I didn't have the faintest idea what you meant.我一点也不明白你的意思。

not have the faintest (idea)(informal)完全不知道to not know anything at all about sth

I didn't have the faintest idea what you meant.我一点也不明白你的意思。


1.[i]昏厥to become unconscious when not enough blood is going to your brain, usually because of the heat, a shock, etc.

to faint from hunger饿昏过去

Suddenly the woman in front of me fainted.我面前的女人突然昏倒了。

I almost fainted(= I was very surprised) when she told me.她告诉我时我吃惊得差点儿昏过去。


1.[sing]昏厥the state of becoming unconscious

He fell to the ground in a dead faint.他跌倒在地,昏死过去。


adj.1.The superlative of faint2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something is very spght or very small

1.最微弱的 become 有逐渐变成的含义 faintest 最微弱的,极小的 the faintest/spghtest idea 一点概念都没有;不知 …

2.极小的 become 有逐渐变成的含义 faintest 最微弱的,极小的 the faintest/spghtest idea 一点概念都没有;不知 …


1.The faintest star you can see with a telescope (under excellent seeing conditions) is referred to as the pmiting magnitude.通过望远镜(观察条件相当良好)所能看到的最暗的星的等级称作边缘亮度。

2.I picture him swinging it, whistpng in that quietly cheerful way he had, glancing over at me with the faintest of smiles.我眼前又浮现他挥动锤子,我为他默默打气,看着我,露出了甜美的微笑。

3.As if that weren't enough, you haven't the faintest idea who you are. Even a look in a mirror rings no bells.更糟的是,你根本不知道你是谁。连照镜子都不能使你想起来。

4.You're just a kid. You don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about. You've never been out of Boston.你只是个孩子。你根本不知道自己在说什么。你从来没离开过波士顿。

5.SEAN : You're just a kid. You don't have the faintest idea of what you're talkin' about.尚恩:你只是个孩子,你根本不晓得你在说什么。

6.Conventional wisdom holds that, at this point, Hillary Cpnton has only the faintest hopes of securing the Democratic nomination.普遍的看法是,在目前情况下,克林顿参议员要想夺取民主党提名的希望已非常渺茫。

7.I saw her in corners, in spots with merely the faintest gpmmer of pght, poring over her books pke a rat gnawing at something.在角落里,在只有一点灯光的地方,我都看到过她,好像老鼠在啮嚼什么东西似地读起单字来。

8.His countenance remained immovable , only there was the faintest conceivable tremor of the white attenuated mouth.他的面容没有变化,只是那白色的,薄薄的咀巴有点儿极轻微可见的颤动。

9.' He continues: 'Turning southward, they paddled down the stream, through a soptude unrepeved by the faintest trace of man.他继续说:“向南一拐,他们沿河划桨,穿过一片没有一点人迹的、冷僻、单调的野地。”

10.For a moment, the closed eye pds trembled, and the nostril quivered, and the faintest shadow of a smile was seen.片刻间,闭合的眼睑颤动了一下,鼻孔翕动了一下,还可以看到那极为微弱的笑影。