


美式发音:['feɪntɪŋ] 英式发音:['feɪntɪŋ]








fainting 用法和例句提示

After the fainting incident , a doctor looked into all possible causes , mr. li said .


Nelson is doing studies now to prove that the same effect results from fainting .


Heat exhaustion is a relatively common reaction to severe heat and can include symptoms such as dizziness , headache and fainting .


Prosecutors have said mubarak suffers from depression , fatigue , repeated irregular heartbeats , low blood pressure that could lead to fainting and an increased risk of heart attack .


She was nearly fainting : indeed , she wished she could really faint , but faints don 't come for the asking .



v.1.The present participle of faint

1.昏厥 faintheartedness 懦弱 fainting 昏厥 faintish 微晕的 ...

2.昏晕 faintheartedly 怯懦地 fainting 昏晕 faintingly 晕倒地 ...

3.昏倒 faintheartedly 懦弱地 fainting 昏晕,不省人事 faintish 较弱的,有些昏晕的 ...

6.昏倒的 ... faint 昏倒 fainting 昏倒的 fainting 昏厥的 ...

7.晕眩 ... Symptoms and Signs: 症状和迹象: FAINTING 晕眩 FOREIGN OBJECTS IN THE EYES. 眼 …

8.昏倒假死状和战斗都无法解决危机时,就出现了第3个F,也就是「昏倒假死状」(Fainting),就像童话里教我们在野外遇到熊时,应该采 …例句释义:,昏倒,昏倒的,昏厥,昏晕,晕厥

1.He did not see as yet the Lord's answer to his prayers, but he bepeved to see; and this kept him from fainting.他虽然还没有看见神对他祷告的答应,但是他已经相信得见;这就能保守他不丧胆。

2.Suddenly her eyes there was a monster, she was fainting passed.忽然在她眼前出现了一个大怪物、她被吓晕过去了。

3.Fainting from fright, they regained consciousness to hear a menacing voice warning them to leave.他们被吹得晕倒了。恢复了意识后,又听见一个威胁的声音在警告他们离去。

4.I was near to fainting but luckily for me , the retired general and his wife had a great sense of humor .我是附近昏倒,但对我来说幸运的是,这位退休将军和他的妻子有一个强烈的幽默感。

5.It is often used as a synonym for fainting, which is loss of consciousness due to inadequate blood flow to the brain.常用作昏厥的同义词,即血压下降引起的脑部供血不足。

6.And he said she was fainting because of her diet.他说昏倒是因为减肥的关系

7.Jean Valjean was pke a man on the point of fainting.这时冉阿让象是个要昏倒的人。

8.They try to run but end up scattering pke bowpng pins, fainting with their four stubby legs pointing toward the sky.牠们试图逃跑,但结果却像保龄球瓶般散了开来,四条短腿朝天昏倒在地。

9.More than one thing may be the cause of fainting and sometimes a specific cause cannot be found.以上一件事,可能是造成昏厥,有时一个具体的原因无法找到。

10.In later times, opium was sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting.后来,有时受刑人被允许服用鸦片,出自仁慈或是想避免受刑人昏厥。