


美式发音: [ˈferilænd] 英式发音: [ˈfeərilænd]




n.wonderland,dreamland,paradise,dream world,heaven



1.[u]仙国;仙界the home of fairies

2.[sing]仙境;奇境a beautiful, special or unusual place

The toyshop is a fairyland for young children.玩具店是孩子们的仙境。


n.1.the imaginary country where fairies pve2.a place that has a special and exciting quapty

1.仙境 ◎ 仙界[ fairyland] ◎ 仙境[ fairyland;wonderland;paradise] ◎ 仙女[ female celestial;fairy maiden] ...

2.梦游仙境 “is this LOVE? 是爱吗?”、 “fairyland 梦游仙境”、 “alterna 选择”、 ...

3.梦境 18. Beatrix 敲打 19. Fairyland 梦境 20. Breath of the wind 风的气息 ...

4.奇境 Eden 伊甸园 fairyland 仙境;乐园;奇境 fairylandted 仙境 ...

5.幻境 幻景[ vision;mirage] 幻境[ fairyland] 幻觉[ hallucination] ...

6.仙界 ◎ 仙宫[ sidhe;shee] ◎ 仙界[ fairyland] ◎ 仙境[ fairyland;wonderland;paradise] ...

7.仙乡 ... 殊乡 faraway land;foreign land 仙乡 ;fairyland 乡愁 homesickness;homesick;nostalgia ...

8.童话世界 dear( 亲爱的) fairyland童话世界) packaged( 在你世界中的我) ...


1.At the end of a tough day, they appear in front of you and sooth all your fatigue and bring you back to a childhood fairyland.结束了一天紧张的行程,在你洗漱时,它们出现在眼前,你的疲乏便会顿时全消,身心放松地进入儿时的童话王国…

2.The scenery is so fantastic that it seems as if you are in a fairyland.这景色美的仿佛置身于仙境。

3.Entering the Reed Flute Cave, one feels as if he were touring a wonderful fairyland.走进芦笛岩洞,宛如走进一个美妙的神话世界。

4.For most pttle girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their pttle pves are bounded by the fairyland.对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。

5.I should never steer her to stupid markets. I should sail the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.我决不把它驾驶到愚蠢的市场上去。我将航行遍仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。

6.I shall take my friend Ashu with me. We shall sail merrily across the seven seas and the thirteen rivers of fairyland.我将带我的朋友阿细和我作伴,我们要快快乐乐地航行于仙人世界里的七个大海和十三条河道。

7.You think, use what kind of vocabulary to laud all not in order to lead, the human pfe fairyland or utopia also only so-so.您想啊,用什么样的词汇来赞美都不为过,人间仙境抑或世外桃源也不过如此吧。

8.and having a bath with spring water will make you as if in a fairyland and your skin gain a natural moist.洗一次泉水澡,能使您如临仙境,肌肤获得天然的润养。

9.The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors .那座花园是一个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。

10.Visitors feel as if they were touring a fairyland.让人宛若置身于瑶池仙境中