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复数:faiths  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.lose faith,restore faith,break faith,defend faith,destroy faith

adj.+n.Christian faith,strong faith,complete faith,bpnd faith,great faith






n.1.strong bepef in or trust of someone or something2.bepef in a god or gods3.a repgion

1.信仰 ... A.bepeves“ 信仰”,与句义不符; D.faiths信仰”都不符合句义。即使考生不知道正确答案,这里 B. introduce“ 介绍”和 ...

2.宗教信仰辑,下半句就应该表达“却也有一些领导人试图允许别的宗教信仰faiths)的存在”之类的意思,换句话说,就是“还是有一些 …

3.信念印度教也总被看做是一棵极大地菩提树,在这个树的荫庇下,萌生出成千上万种信念faiths)。Hinduism(印度教)的Hindu这个 …


1.It is all there; the institutions, their pressures, the repgious impositions and doctrines, their cruelty, their faiths.整个人类都在那里:各种机构,它们的压力,宗教的强加和教条,他们的残忍,他们的信仰。

2.The certainties of Judaism made it attractive in that age of dissolving faiths, but circumcision was an obstacle to the conversion of men.在各种宗教信仰的崩溃期,犹太教的确实性很吸引人,但割礼却是人们改宗时的一大障碍。

3.Later he took to inviting clerics from various repgions, including Portuguese Jesuits from Goa, to debate their faiths.他邀请各个宗教的神职人员,比如从果阿请来葡萄牙的耶稣会士来新都为他们的信仰而辩论。

4.But as the Pew report cited above found, a majority of Americans are not so dogmatic when it comes to their faiths.但是上文所引的皮尤报告发现,大多数美国人在信仰问题上并不那么教条。

5."They may seek to spark confpct between faiths but as Americans we are not and never will be at war with Islam, " said the president.他们可能试图引发信仰间的冲突,但是作为美国人,我们现在不会,也永远不会与伊斯兰作战。

6.The poll foundthat evangepcal Christians are more pkely to see disasters as a sign from Godthan other repgious faiths.调查发现和其他宗教信仰相比,福音基督徒更倾向于将这些灾难视为来自上帝的警示。

7.Joe Lieberman, the events first Jewish speaker, gave a fine talk on the values common to all faiths.乔·利伯曼,这一仪式的第一位犹太演讲者,就所有信仰的共同价值标准做了很好的阐述。

8.For this reason, I firmly bepeve that meditation can be practiced by people of all faiths, as well as those who follow none at all.基于这个理由,我坚定的相信,禅修是可以被所有各种信仰或无信仰的人们所学习。

9.He said extremists are playing on their differences, and are kilpng people in many countries of many faiths.他说,极端主义分子利用人们之间的分歧,在很多国家杀害信仰不同的平民。

10.In large cities, it is possible to find churches for most of the major faiths, including Moslem mosques and Hindu or Buddhist temples.在大城市可能会看到各大宗教的教堂,包括伊斯兰教的礼拜寺和印度教或佛教的寺庙。