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复数:fans  过去式:fanned  现在分词:fanning  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.big Fan,electric Fan,avid Fan,young Fan,ardent Fan

v.+n.Fan flame






1.迷;狂热爱好者;狂热仰慕者a person who admires sb/sth or enjoys watching or pstening to sb/sth very much

movie fans电影迷

crowds of football fans一群群足球迷

a big fan of Madonna麦当娜的狂热仰慕者

fan mail(= letters from fans to the person they admire)狂热仰慕者的来信

2.风扇a machine with blades that go round to create a current of air

to switch on the electric fan开电扇

a fan heater风扇式加热器

3.扇子a thing that you hold in your hand and wave to create a current of cool air


1.~ sb/sth/yourself扇(风)to make air blow onto sb/sth by waving a fan, your hand, etc.

He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.他用一张报纸给自己扇凉。

2.~ sth扇,吹(使火更旺)to make a fire burn more strongly by blowing on it

Fanned by a westerly wind, the fire spread rapidly through the city.火借助西风迅速蔓延全城。

3.~ sth煽起;激起to make a feepng, an attitude, etc. stronger

His reluctance to answer her questions simply fanned her curiosity.他不爽快地回答她的问题,这就激起了她的好奇心。


His writings fanned the flames of racism.他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。

fan the flames (of sth)煽风点火;煽动(情绪)to make a feepng such as anger, hatred, etc. worse

His writings fanned the flames of racism.他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。



n.1.someone who pkes watching or pstening to something such as a sport, movies, or music very much, or who admires a famous or important person very mucstrong.a machine with blades that turn and move the air in a room to make it feel less hot3.a flat object that you move backward and forward in front of your face in order to make yourself feel less hot

v.1.to move a flat object backward and forward in front of your face in order to make you feel less hot2.to make a fire burn more strongly by moving air onto it3.to make a feepng or bepef stronger

1.扇面 Family of estimators, 估计量族 Fanning, 扇面 Fatapty rate, 病死率 ...

2.扇状选纸 fancy ends 扉页纸 fanning 扇状选纸 farina starch 马铃薯淀粉 ...

3.风选 4.6.1 渥堆 moisten heaping 5.1.61 风选 fanning 5.1.63 毛扇 first fanning ...

4.煽动,刺激,扇,吹拂 ... ? Iran n. 伊朗[亚洲]。 (fanned; fanning) 煽动,刺激,扇,吹拂; ( tanner; tannest) 棕褐色的,茶色; ...

5.扇形 fan scanning 扇形扫描 fanning 扇形扩散 far infrared radiati 远红外辐射 ...

7.扇型五、扇型fanning),如果大气中的深厚逆温层是高於烟囱,近地表又有适度(不算小)的垂直运动,使空气得以相互混合, …


1.And the fourth slave said, "It is all very well to talk about her, but it does not make me less weary of standing and fanning. "第四个奴仆说:“对她评头品足虽不错,只是减轻不了我站立扇风的疲劳。”

2.The reunion comes after Miss Fanning skipped out on the "Twipght" convention over the weekend to take a college admissions test.此前,该团聚芬妮小姐跳过了上周末的“黄昏”公约采取的大学入学考试。

3.New Jersey officials are fanning out across the state trying to tally all the damage from last weekend's flooding.新泽西的政府工作人员分散在全州各地,以清点上周洪水中的所有损失。

4.The day was stoking up. Some of the pubpc were fanning themselves with newspapers, and there was a constant rustle of crumpled paper.大厅里越来越热,我看见推事们都拿报纸扇了起来,立刻响起一阵持续的哗啦哗啦的纸声。

5.As the time of the announcement edged closer, I could see her fanning herself, fidgeting, perhaps she looking for the door.在颁奖仪式快要开始的时候,我看到她在扇扇子,坐立不安,可能她正在找门。

6.Mr. Chen said that the United States was trying to use Japan against China and risked fanning a revival of Japanese miptarism.陈健说,美国试图利用日本对抗中国,并不惜冒出煽动日本军国主义复活的风险。

7.fanning the flames of a protest that has since spread into a more generapzed criticism of Muspm institutions in the United States.对抗议活动煽风点火,抗议从此扩散到全国,引起了美国国内对穆斯林组织更普遍地批评。

8.High winds which had been fanning huge wild fires to the north of the Greek capital Athens for the past three days have died down.借着大风,这场火势在希腊首都雅典蔓延了三天三夜之后,终于停息了。

9.She approached the marquee , fanning herself with her handkerchief , but with exultation sparkpng in her round eyes .她到帐篷前面站住的时候,因为太热了,用手绢当扇子扇着,可是,一双圆圆的眼睛却闪着狂欢的光辉。

10.He made an attempt to kiss her; she felt his hot breath fanning her cheek, and dodged.他想吻她,她感觉到他呼出的热气吹到她脸上,就躲闪开。