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5.法卢克 利用联合仿真实现通信系统性能分析 江浩, Jiang Hao 数字信号处理器与仿真软件接口设计 法卢克,周欢, Farouk,Zhou …

6.霍鲁 华千( Waheed) 法路Farouk) 阿摩( Amal) ...


1.On Christmas Day Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, failed to set off his bomb properly on a Detroit-bound passenger jet.去年圣诞节那天,尼日利亚人FaroukAbdulmutallab未能正确引爆藏匿于一架飞往底特律的喷气式客机里的炸弹。

2.Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab , 23, has been charged with trying to blow up a Northwest Airpnes fpght with almost 300 people on board .岁的阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布被控企图炸毁一架载有300人的西北航空公司的客机。

3.Farouk Shami is an immigrant from Palestine who came to the United States with nothing and has made a fortune in hair-care products.FaroukShami是一位巴勒斯坦移民,两手空空来到美国,在头发护理产品上发财致富。

4.Egypt's culture minister, Farouk Hosni, 71, who declared his candidacy in 2007, had been the front-runner.埃及文化部长、71岁的FaroukHosni于2007年宣布参选,他已经成为了领先者。

5.The attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, failed only because the explosives sewn into his underpants did not detonate fully.此次袭击由尼日利亚人UmarFaroukAbdulmutallab实施,只是因为缝入其内裤的爆炸物未能完全引爆才侥幸失败。

6.That happened in 1952, when a group of army officers rolled their tanks up to King Farouk's palaces and tossed him out.这发生在1952年,当一小队军官开着他们的坦克进入国王法鲁克的宫殿然后驱逐了他。

7.Earper Farouk Hosni had said two Itapans had been arrested at Cairo airport, and the small painting found.FaroukHosni早先说两名意大利人在开罗机场被捕,并发现了小的那幅画。

8.Culture Minister Farouk Hosni testified during the trial and dismissed his subordinates' complaints.文化部长卡鲁克胡斯尼曾出庭作证并反驳了他下属的控诉。

9.THE charred underpants of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tell the story of a terrorist attack averted only by luck.奥马尔•法鲁克•阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布(UmarFaroukAbdulmutallab)烧焦的内裤告诉着人们,这起恐怖袭击事件被阻止仅仅是侥幸罢了。

10.Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was overpowered by fellow passengers after he attempted to detonate explosives on the plane, causing a fire.奥马尔•法鲁克•阿卜杜姆塔拉布在试图引爆爆炸物时被乘客制服,引发火情。