

fashion show

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复数:fashion shows  



1.时装表演an occasion where people can see new designs of clothes being worn by fashion models


n.1.an event at which models show new styles of clothes

1.时装表演 联系方式 Contact Fashion Show 时装秀 Red Phoenix 红凤凰 ...

3.流行秀 mia mia 蜜雅 FASHION SHOW 流行秀 Bernini 贝尔尼尼 ...

4.时装表演会 far away 远离;遥远的 fashion show 时装表演会 fast food 快餐 ...

5.时尚秀 steal the show 抢镜头;出风头 Fashion show 服装秀 showed,shown,showing 展示,出示; 给 …

7.时装展 Air show 航空展 Fashion show 时装展 The Consumer Electronics Show 美国消费电子展 ...

8.服装表演 ... Clothing colors 服装色彩 Fashion Show 服装表演 Clothing Materials 服装材料学 ...


1."I tried out for an underwear fashion show and all I had to do was lose five pounds, " he said.“我尝试参加一个内衣秀,而我所需要做的就是减5磅,”他说。

2.To capture this new fashion show, our team back to the history of the origin of Schwarzkopf place in Berpn.为拍摄这场新的时尚秀,我们的团队回到了施华蔻历史的起源之地柏林。

3.The fashion show in Beijing came out with several new styles .北京的时装展示会发表了几种新款式。

4.Two years later St Andrew's University, where Wilpam and Kate were both studying, asked to borrow it for a fundraising fashion show.两年后,威廉和凯特就读的圣安德鲁斯大学为一场慈善时装展向她借走了这件服装。

5.You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。

6.His designs draw from his own culture and his annual fashion show is seen as the most important event in Chinese fashion circles.他的设计作品出自他独特的文化,并且他的年度时装展被认为是中国时装界最重要的盛事。

7.It's a pity that all the tickets of the fashion show have been sold out; Look! Many people are not wilpng to leave.真遗憾,时装表演的票卖完了;看哪,还有许多人不肯离去。

8.To highpght the interface between fashion and architecture, concept of fashion show was introduced in the restaurant's floor plan.室内用餐区为了突出时尚与建筑,时装表演界面的概念引入餐厅的平面图。

9.Quintessentially offers you two front seats at any fashion show held in London or Paris.在任何巴黎或伦敦国际时装展上的两个前排座位。

10.Style. com - W and Vogue magazines team up to provide fashion show coverage, trend reports, and the lowdown on celebrity style.杂志和时尚杂志合作提供时装展示会报导、流行趋势报告和名人风度的内幕。