


网络释义:联邦直辖部落地区(Federally Administered Tribal Areas);直辖部落区;光纤附挂技术(Fibre Attached Technology Adapted)


1.联邦直辖部落地区(Federally Administered Tribal Areas)至绑架事件等日益增长;西北边境省(NWFP)和联邦直辖区FATA)可能再次成为支持基地组织活动的中心这一趋势更严 …

6.直辖部族区政府一直没能惩罚在联邦直辖部族区FATA)绑架中国工程师的瓦齐里斯坦军阀马哈苏德(Abdullah Mehsud)。事实上,鉴 …


1.That this blueprint is gathering dust suggests the scale of the problems facing General Musharraf in the FATA.这份蓝图正落满灰尘的事实表明了穆沙拉夫将军在FATA地区所面临的难题的程度。

2.Any claims on higher education autonomy at the cost of these elements should be declared as fata morgana.任何以牺牲这些要素的高校自治诉求最终只能是一场泡影。

3.In FATA, particularly in Khyber agency, nearly 50% of children have been regularly missed during SIAs for the last two years.在联邦管辖的部落地区,特别是在开伯尔特区,过去两年中,补充免疫活动通常都会遗漏近50%的儿童。

4.The word fairy is drawn from fay (Old French fee), which itself comes from the Latin Fata, the goddess of fate.仙灵(fairy)这个词来自于古法语fay(现代法语则是fee),而fay又起源于拉丁词Fata,即命运女神。

5.Their lethal sting has been felt in villages and hamlets across the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA).各处自然村和联邦直辖部落地区(FATA)的小村落感受到了致命的刺痛。

6.Today FATA is fully owned by Finmeccanica SpA, a world leading high technology company for aerospace, energy, transport and defence.目前法塔由芬梅卡尼卡集团全资控股,该集团拥有世界领先的航天、能源、运输及国防等领域的高新技术。

7.What the violence in South Waziristan really highpghts is the failure of Pakistani strategy in the FATA as a whole.整体而言,南瓦齐里斯坦地区的暴力事件所真正突显的是巴基斯坦在FATA地区战略的失败。

8.The Pashto-language broadcasts of Radio Pakistan are not transmitted throughout FATA, Khan adds.巴基斯坦电台的普什图语广播并未遍及整个部落区,可汗接着说道。

9.First of all they learned of the sheer variety of groups in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).首先他们要熟悉在联邦直辖部落地区(FATA)的各种组织。

10.FATA is a diversified group of companies operating in the field of industrial plant engineering, contracting and manufacturing.法塔是一家多元化经营的集团公司,涉足工厂设计,项目承包以及制造加工等领域。