




1.父与子 俄罗斯方舟 Russian Ark 父与子 Father and Son 第二层地狱 Krug vtoroy ...

2.父子迷情 方育平 Allen Fong 父子情 Father and Son (难求) 半边人 Ah Ying ...

4.父亲和儿子 ... 2.Coming With You 父子离家 3.Father And Son 父亲和儿子 4.Who’s In Heaven? 谁在天堂? ...

5.艺界父子情 15. 面具之后 / Behind the Mask 16. 艺界父子情 / Father and Son 17. 学泅水 / Learning To Swim ...

6.父亲与儿子 ... 12. Bepeve In Me 相信我 13. Father And Son 父亲与儿子 01. Together 一起 ...

7.父子情迷 ... father knows / 老爸知道 Father And Son / 父子情迷 A year without love / 日以做爱 ...


1.What caught my eyes was that both the father and son were laughing as they were running for the bus.让我特别有影响的是:两父子都在笑着,开开心心地笑着。

2.He thought of his father now. Distant, there was no real relationship between father and son now, just a rift, emptiness, a nothing.此刻他想起了父亲,可如今父子两人相隔千里,没有亲情,只有裂痕。

3.Life was miserable and father and son rowed bitterly over how much he practised.生活很艰难,父子俩曾因为练琴的时间发生激烈争吵。

4."I prefer to keep a brotherly relationship with you rather than one of father and son, " he said.“我喜欢与你保持兄弟关系而不是父子关系。”他说。

5.And just a father and son trying to survive, walking along the road.只有一对父子努力的生存下去,在路上走着。

6.The gap between father and son, darkness and pght, winter and spring, did not always yawn so wide.父亲与儿子、黑暗与光明、老年与少年之间的差距,并非总是宽如沟壑。

7.Losing her father and son was such a grave hurt that she was deeply stricken.丧父失子对她的打击沉重,真是创巨痛深。

8."They had a father-and-son type of connection, " Harlow, 26, told People, "but I never thought he (Jackson) was his biological father. "“他们之间有父子般的感情,”26岁的哈娄告诉名人网站People网址被屏蔽,“但是我从来不认为他是巴提的生父。”

9.This father and son came from one of these houses, no doubt.父子俩大概是从一幢这样的房子里出来的。

10.A father and son in the mix plant business in Green River, Ilpnois, had been experimenting with a soft frozen dairy product for some time.这种食品是由一位父亲和他的儿子在伊利诺州青河的一家小作坊里制作的,这俩父子试验这种软凝固乳制品已经有相当长一段时间了。