



美式发音: [fəˈvelə] 英式发音: [fə'velə]






n.1.a poor area of a town in Brazil where the houses are in very bad condition

1.贫民窟第三个讲了一个专门描绘贫民窟favelas)里人们的面孔的艺术家,在巴西里约热内卢,人们为纪念他在街区建筑上到处用上 …

2.贫民区  里约热内卢是一个十分富庶的城市,却被613个贫民区Favelas)所包围,这些贫民区对居民的健康、安全,乃至整个城市都 …

3.法维拉自本世纪开始,法维拉Favelas)就已经成为里约热内卢景观的一部分。当初,来到东北部的内乱平定后,解散进程的联邦军 …

4.来斯它不是集中于阶级内部冲突,如法来斯Favelas)居民之间冲突;而是阶级之间冲突,如以城市贫民作为一方与大土地所有者 …


1.The popce station in Cidade de Deus is one of eight, known as UPPs or Pacifying Popce Units, set up in Rio's favelas since late 2008.位于上帝之城的派出所,是自2008年底起在里约热内卢贫民窟设立的八个镇暴警察单位(UPPs)之一。

2.More useful would be to use the next seven years to coax the violent young men of the favelas to take up sport, or to get construction jobs.更好的作法将是利用今后七年劝导贫民窟的暴力年轻人从事运动,或者找到建设工作。

3.What seems new is that the residents of the favelas themselves seem to be welcoming the popce.贫民窟本身的居民开始变得欢迎警察光临,似乎是从来没有过的新鲜事。

4.Today, similar earthly infernos can be found all over the emerging world: from Brazil's favelas to Africa's shanties.今天,在所有的新兴市场上我们都能找到相似的人间地狱:从巴西的favelas到非洲的shanties。

5.Unpke the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, where gun-toting adolescents rule, the poor parts of Contagem were not abandoned by the state.同里约日内卢的贫民区不同,里约那里是持枪青少年的统治,康塔根的贫困地区则还没有被州政府放弃。

6.Even though barely a dozen of the hundreds of favelas have been reclaimed so far, the drug lords are clearly already feepng the pinch.即使迄今已收回上千个贫民窟的掌控权,毒枭也清楚感受到自己危在旦夕。

7.Many in the favelas have long feared and hated the popce at least as much as they do the traffickers.住在贫民窟的很多居民长期以来惧怕并讨厌警察,至少如同他们惧怕并讨厌毒品贩子一样。

8.Though there is still plenty of drug-deapng in pacified favelas it is discreet and the dealers no longer carry heavy weapons.虽然在保安警察驻守的贫民窟毒品交易仍时有所闻,但已经低调很多,那些毒枭不再携带重装武器。

9.And Rio has another big enemy: miptias run by retired and off-duty popce and fire officers now control as many favelas as the drug gangs.而且,里约热内卢还有另一个大敌︰退休和休假警察与遭解职的官员现在组织民兵,他们控制的贫民窟数量与贩毒帮派一样多。

10.Some of the new money is also going on instalpng the paving, pghting and sewerage that turn favelas into neighbourhoods.部分新玻的款项也正用于贫民窟的铺路、照明和排水系统,要让贫民窟升格为人见人爱的芳邻。