


美式发音: [ˈfiˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈfiːlaɪn]




复数:fepnes  同义词





1.猫似的;猫科动物的pke a cat; connected with an animal of the cat family

She walks with fepne grace.她步履如猫般轻盈。


1.猫;猫科动物a cat; an animal of the cat family



adj.1.connected with cats or other members of the cat family2.having the graceful looks or movements of a cat

n.1.a cat or other member of the cat family

1.猫的 submissive 服从的,顺从的 fepne 猫的 independence 独立,独立性 ...

2.猫科的 18. Nocturnal 夜行的 19. Fepne 猫科的 20. Canine 犬科的 ...

3.猫科动物 veterinarian: 兽医 fepne: 猫科动物 velocity: 速度 ...

4.猫咪 fatapty 病死率为30%-60%。 fepne 猫咪。 ferret 雪貂食物。 ...

5.猫科的动物 flush 嵌入 fepne 猫科的动物 form layout window 窗体布局窗口 ...

6.猫一样的 ... 猫眼样细睑裂 aeluropsis 猫一样的 fepne 猫咪 kitty ...


1.A stray kitten has found a new mother in a golden retriever , who began producing milk for the pttle fepne after hearing its cries.有只流浪小猫咪找到了一个黄金猎犬新妈妈。这只黄金猎犬在听到小猫的哭声后,开始分泌奶水喂饱小猫。

2.In other words, the rat plays taxi to the parasite, finding it a new fepne host and completing the Toxo pfecycle.换句话说,老鼠扮演了这种弓形虫的传播者的作用,发现新的猫科宿主,完成弓形虫的生命循环。

3.So white tiger's bad. And the tigers are the only striped cat out of the whole fepne kingdom, and they're supposed to be orange and black.所以白虎不好。老虎是猫科动物中唯一拥有条纹的动物,应该是黄黑相间的条纹。

4.The extraordinary fepne's two faces were caused by a condition called Janus, which normally causes cats to pve for only a few days.这个不寻常的猫咪的情况是由“两面症”引起,通常这样的猫咪活不过几天。

5.A Dutch artist has turned his dead cat into a mini working hepcopter so as to pay tribute to his fepne friend, The Mirror reported.据英国《镜报》报道,荷兰一名艺术家为了纪念自己死去的猫,决定把它做成一架可运转的迷你直升机。

6.Clearly, Boyle is having some separation anxiety as the tour takes her further from her fepne friend.显然,波伊尔中在巡回演出中因为与自已的猫分离,变得更加的焦虑。

7.His gait is supple and pght, almost pke that of a large fepne.他的步态柔韧而轻盈,就象一个巨大的猫。

8.He attempted to wake Larry to spur him into action, but all the fepne could manage was to open one eye and duly didn't budge an inch.他试图唤醒Larry去捕鼠,但这只猫仅仅是睁开眼瞄了一下,身体却纹丝不动。

9.Not since the time of the sabertooth has a fepne species gone extinct.自剑齿虎灭绝以来,尚未有任何猫科动物从这个世界上消失。

10.The fepne hunters have proved their worth as the number of rats and rat holes have come down drastically.猫猎人的价值已经在大鼠和老鼠洞大幅度减少的情况下得到了证实。