



美式发音: [ˈfiˌmeɪl] 英式发音: [ˈfiːmeɪl]




复数:females  搭配反义词

adj.+n.female writer,female rat,female employee,female patient,female friend





adj.1.a female person or animal belongs to the sex that can produce babies or eggs; a female plant is one that produces fruit2.a female part of a machine has a hole in it into which a male part fits

n.1.a female person or animal

1.女性 Males( 男性) Females女性) All NZ Employees( 新西兰全部雇员) ...

2.雌性 ... Combined sexes 雌雄合计 Females 雌性 Males 雄性 ...

3.雌鸟 非繁殖羽( non-breeding plumage) 雌鸟( females) 雄鸟( males) ...

4.雌的 ... (控制,支配) governed (雌的) females (突然发生) broke out ...

5.雌性总数 Males 雄性总数 Females 雌性总数 Rooms 房间 ...

6.种母 Males/ 种公 Females/ 种母 Puppy/ 幼犬 ...



1.Males and females rabbit rabbit, with tears in his eyes and smiled.雄兔和雌兔眼里含着泪,笑了。

2.The females bury their eggs in the ground, and the birth and death cycle starts all over again, just as it has for milpons of years.女性埋在地上的鸡蛋,出生和死亡周期开始一遍,就像数百万年。

3.When females shower in the sun for a group of pvely monkey caught fleas, your feepngs for that?当母猴淋浴在阳光下替一群活泼的小猴抓蚤时,你的感想是什么?

4.In mammals, females are XX while males are XY so a woman should never be able to provide the necessary Y chromosome genes to produce a son.在哺乳动物中,雌性的性染色体是XX,而雄性的是XY,所以一个女人是绝不可能产生男性不可缺少的Y染色体基因而生育男孩的。

5.Crying susceptibly is often considered as the nature of females.爱哭往往是被认为是女性的特征

6.At courtship time, he waves it to attract females, often with a beckoning movement, or to fight rival males.求偶期间,雄蟹会挥动大蟹钳,吸引雌蟹注意,或击退情敌。

7.Some females have no hymen at birth at all, since the tissue divided completely while they were still in the womb.一些女性在出生时就根本没有处女膜,因为这一组织还在子宫中的时候就完全分裂。

8.Bear made his final wish, that all the other bears in the world were females as well, leaving him as the only male bear in the world.熊摇摇头,作出最后一个愿望,那就是:世界上所有其他的熊也都是雌的,留下他作为世界上唯一的雄性。

9.But whether a whale primarily intends its song to impress females or to intimidate other males with its swanky style remains unclear.然而,它的主要目的是吸引异性,还是用时髦的风格恐吓其他雄性鲸鱼,我们不得而知。

10.Almost all adult females breed, so a mother will get at least some of her genes into the next generation by producing them.因为几乎所有的成年雌性都会繁育,所以,如果母亲生育雌性,那么她至少能够将它的基因在下一代中保留一些。