



美式发音: [fɜrn] 英式发音: [fɜː(r)n]





n.1.【植】蕨类植物; 蕨类; 羊齿植物; 羊齿草

n.1.[Plant]a plant with leaves shaped pke feathers and no flowers

1.蕨类植物法穷尽;我知道,那些深深打动我的一处处水湾,一簇簇羊齿植物ferns),都曾是他的灵感之源;我也知道,当我写下这 …

3.真蕨类s sinensis)均为水生蕨类植物,但卤蕨属于真蕨类(Ferns)植物,是生长于海岸潮汐带滩涂的咸水或半咸水植物,中华水韭则属于拟 …

4.蕨类植物图片 树叶图片 Leaves 蕨类植物图片 Ferns 默里郡鳗图片 Moray eel ...

5.真蕨植物Ex.真蕨植物(ferns)是蕨类植物种进化水平最高的类群,为大型叶蕨类(有叶柄,维管束有或无叶间隙,叶脉多分支形成脉性) 模 …

6.观赏蕨类第二节 常见室内观叶植物 一、观赏蕨类Ferns) 铁线蕨(Adiantum capillus-veneris)、 鸟巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus)、 肾 …


1.All day and paint, paint to deal with those, or around there pke smoking, should at least put a pot in the workplace ferns.成天与油漆、涂料打交道者,或者身边有喜好吸烟的人,应该在工作场所放至少一盆蕨类植物。

2.I do not know anything about ferns and if you can assist to ID their names, I shall be very appreciative.我对蕨类植物一窍不通,我会很感谢有谁可以协助指出它们的名字的。

3.He took it for a hill looming above a wooded island, or some colossal rock overgrown with moss and ferns and hidden by the fog.他当它是一座隐于长满树木的岛屿上的小山,或者一块被雾隐藏的长满了青苔和蕨类的巨石。

4.it is not pke moss and ferns, can only be grown in the dark and obscure the corner.它更不像藓苔和蕨类,只能生长在阴暗和晦涩的角落里。

5.Everything was green: the trees, their trunks covered with moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, the ground covered with ferns.一切都是绿色的:那些树,树干上长满了苔藓,枝干上挂着的绿叶宛如穹庐,地面覆盖着蕨科植物。

6.The Apatosaurus was a plant eater. It ate ferns and tree leaves. It swallowed its food whole, it did not chew.迷惑龙是食草动物,它吃蕨类植物和树叶。吃东西时,迷惑龙是整块吞下去,一点儿也不嚼。

7."Please look around, " He said, "Could you see those ferns and bamboos? "“你看看四周,”他说,“你看到那些山蕨和竹子吗?”

8.Philps said his pet comes into his own in the summer months when ferns around the course can grow to more than one meter.菲力斯说当夏天球场旁的蕨类长到超过一公尺高,就是杜斯大显身手的时候。

9.In fact she was running around to the other side of the patch of ferns to catch the koala when it came out.事实上她正跑到蕨丛的另一侧,准备着树熊一跑出来就逮住它。

10.It may be a modern centre of differentiation for pteridophytes . Various natural environments accelerate local ferns' evolution.海南岛是现代蕨类发育的一个中心,多样的环境条件促成了蕨类植物的演化。