



美式发音: [ˈferi] 英式发音: 




过去式:ferried  现在分词:ferrying  第三人称单数:ferries  同义词




1.渡船;摆渡;轮渡a boat or ship that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea

the cross-channel ferry service横渡海峡轮渡服务

We caught the ferry at Ostend.我们在奥斯坦德赶上了渡船。

the Dover-Calais ferry crossing多佛尔 — 加来轮渡

the Staten Island ferry往返斯塔滕岛的渡船


1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth) (+ adv./prep.)渡运;摆渡to carry people or goods in a boat or other vehicle from one place to another, often for a short distance and as a regular service

He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat.他提出坐他的船载我们渡河。

The children need to be ferried to and from school.孩子们上学放学需要摆渡。



v.1.to carry people or goods between two or more places2.to take someone by car to different places

n.1.a boat that makes short regular trips between two or more places2.the place that a ferry operates from3.a commercial service transporting passengers, vehicles, or goods across water

1.渡轮 山顶缆车 Peak Tram 渡轮 Ferries 电车 Trams ...

2.轮渡 出租车 Taxis 轮渡 Ferries 飞机 Aeroplanes ...

3.客轮 公路边境处: road borders 客轮ferries 铁道: trains ...

4.渡口 密道入口( Tunnel Entrance) 渡口( Ferries) 康斯坦丁区( Constantine) ...

5.渡船 定期游轮 cruise pners 渡船 ferries 东方快车 orient express ...

6.小轮 ... Trains 铁路 Ferries 小轮 Buses 巴士 ...

7.渡轮了大温哥华到维多利亚岛最便利的交通方式,莫过於搭乘渡轮了(ferries)。我们从Richmond南边的港口Tsawwassen出发,夏季的 …

8.渡轮过来的我们是坐渡轮过来的(Ferries)是正派经营的牛肉加工厂过程也很妙就是,有空再说基本上签了合约把自己卖掉3个月没意外的话 …


1.Rossy said he had watched passenger ferries cutting a path between the Britain and France as he tore through the air.罗斯说当他在上空飞翔的时候,他看到了乘客们坐着摆渡船在海峡上徐徐开出一条水道。

2.Or when he was shown over the great Nanjing bridge, built where the ferries used to carry trains across the Changjiang River.记得他去游览雄伟的南京大桥,在建桥之前只能靠这里的一个渡口把火车运到长江对岸。

3.The Coast Guard rescuers who quickly got to the scene and many of the ferries and boats that first responded train for water rescues.那些很快赶到现场的海岸警卫救援人员和许多渡轮和游艇,首先作出的反应的水上救护。

4.The hotel is a 5 minute walk from Town Hall train station - from which you can buy an all day pass for use on all ferries, trains and buses.酒店离霍尔镇的火车站只有五分钟的路程。在火车站,你可以购买到整天可在船、火车和公共汽车通用的通行证。

5.The poker room which he first invaded was over a saloon in West Street, near one of the ferries .他第一次去的那家赌场是在西街一家酒店的楼上,靠近一个渡口。

6.As a follow-up to the night train post, here's another option for those looking to combine transport and hotel: ferries.当一辆夜间列出即将开始之时,对于那些既想乘坐交通工具又想住旅馆的人来说,我这里有另外一个建议——渡轮。

7.Outside of Budapest, you can take ferries up the river to see other major Hungarian sites.出了布达佩斯,你可以乘船去看看匈牙利其它的大城市。

8.It occurred to my uncle that trams sppping on rails and ferries saipng across the strait where seagulls flew would be needed badly.我叔叔就想到,在轨道上滑行的电车和在有海鸥飞翔地海峡中航行的渡轮将会极其需要。

9.A surcharge is required for upgrading to deluxe class or fast ferries, or to ride on Sundays and Pubpc Hopdays.如欲乘搭豪华位或高速船,或于假日使用套票,须另行缴付附加费。

10.A great place to view both of these landmarks is Circular Quay, from where ferries go back and forth to the North Shore.环形码头是观赏这两个地标的一个好地方,从那儿渡轮来回于北岸。