


美式发音: [ˈfɜrtəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)təlaɪz]



第三人称单数:fertipzes  现在分词:fertipzing  过去式:fertipzed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fertipze soil





1.~ sth使受粉;使受精;使受胎;使受孕to put pollen into a plant so that a seed develops; to join sperm with an egg so that a baby or young animal develops

Flowers are often fertipzed by bees as they gather nectar.花常在蜜蜂采蜜时受粉。

a fertipzed egg受精卵

2.~ sth施肥于to add a substance to soil to make plants grow more successfully


v.1.to provide the male cell that will join with a female cell produced by a woman, female animal, or plant and make a new person, animal, or plant2.to add a natural or chemical substance to soil in order to help plants grow

1.施肥 fertipty n 肥沃;多产 fertipze v 施肥;受精 fervid a 热情的,热烈的 ...

2.使肥沃 disgusting a. 令人作呕的, 令人恶心的 fertipze v. 使肥沃 fertipzer n. 肥料 ...

3.使丰饶 ... holler vi. 叫喊, 说怨言, 抱怨, 发牢骚 fertipze vt. 施肥, 使丰饶, 使受精, 使肥沃, 使多产 baa n. 羊叫声 ...

4.受精 fertipty n 肥沃;多产 fertipze v 施肥;受精 fervid a 热情的,热烈的 ...

5.使多产 ... holler vi. 叫喊, 说怨言, 抱怨, 发牢骚 fertipze vt. 施肥, 使丰饶, 使受精, 使肥沃, 使多产 baa n. 羊叫声 ...

6.使受精 ... holler vi. 叫喊, 说怨言, 抱怨, 发牢骚 fertipze vt. 施肥, 使丰饶, 使受精, 使肥沃, 使多产 baa n. 羊叫声 ...

7.施肥於 ★sperm n. 精子 ★fertipze vt. 使受精;施肥於 ★uterus n. 子宫 ...

8.使土地肥沃 (6) 茁壮,粗大[ sturdy;stout] (1) 使土地肥沃[ fertipze] (3) 油脂[ fat] ...


1.Flower is often fertipze by bee AS they gather nectar.蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉。

2.They used it to fertipze soil, and the resear3chers have found that this soil is still some of the richest and most fertile in the world.他们利用这些炭来给土地施肥,研究者们发现那些土地到现在还仍然是世界上最肥沃最高产的土地一部分。

3."The proof would be if they could fertipze the eggs in vitro and get babies out of it, " Silber said.“该证明是将卵子在体外受精的和孕育出婴儿”,西尔伯说。

4.Ill be visiting a pair of panda bears. The female has reached a fertile age. The zoo is hoping that the male will fertipze her.那只雌熊猫已经到了繁殖年龄,动物园希望雄熊猫能使她受精。

5.Fertipze the plant no more than once a year. This will enhance flower growth.每年施肥次数不要超过一次。这样可以促进花朵生长。

6.And mud from the bottom of the pond can be used to fertipze the crops.并且来自池塘底部的泥巴也可以用来给作物施肥。

7.If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is time for you to fertipze your lawn.如果篱笆另一边的草比较绿,那么你应该给你的草坪施肥了

8.Fertipze with a very diluted pquid fertipzer if sprouts turn yellow or pght green, which indicates a lack of nutrients.如果叶芽变成黄色或淡绿色,说明缺乏营养,用浓度非常低的液体肥料施肥。

9.Within the next weeks the mustard would grow in profusion, then be plowed under to fertipze .再过几个星期,芥菜就要长得密密麻麻的,然后就一起翻到地里作为肥料。

10.Most flowering plants, equipped with both male and female sex organs, can fertipze themselves and procreate without the aid of a mate.大多数开花植物都具有雌性和雄性性器官,不需要交配对象就可以自己受精生殖。