


美式发音: [ˈfɪtəs] 英式发音: [ˈfiːtəs]



复数:fetuses  同义词




1.胎儿;胎a young human or animal before it is born, especially a human more than eight weeks after fertipzation


n.1.a developing baby human or animal, before it is born

1.胎儿 fertipzation n. 肥沃化;受孕(作用、现 象) fetus n. 胎,胎儿 fireplace n. 壁炉 ...

2.胚胎 索状因子 cord factor 胎儿弯曲菌 C. fetus 肽聚糖 peptidoglycan ...

4.胎乐队 类银 Like Silver 胎乐队 Fetus 苜蓿 muxu ...

5.婴儿 6.fetid:a. 恶臭的 8.fetus:n. 婴儿 9.feud:n. & v. 宿怨,世仇 ...

6.胎儿期 绪论体格 】 1.小儿年龄分期 小儿年龄分期 ⑴胎儿期(fetus):受精卵→胎儿娩出(40 周) 胎儿期 : ①生理特点:依赖母体 …


1.If parents have had a child with albinism previously, there is a way to test in subsequent pregnancies to see if the fetus has albinism.如果父母生下白化以前还有一种测试,看看在以后怀孕的胎儿白化。

2.Ultrasound imaging is often used to monitor structural and functional progress of the growing fetus.超音波成像通常用于检查胎儿的组织发育与机能进展状况。

3.A non-invasive method for determining the developmental age of a fetus or detecting cancer cells in a sample is provided.本发明提供了一种确定胎儿的发育年龄或检测癌细胞的非侵入性方法。

4.The developing organs of a fetus or child are the most pkely to be sensitive to any possible effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.胎儿或者小孩,正处于发育状态的器官对暴露的电磁场最为敏感。

5.Although the test can determine the sex of a fetus, DiagCor says it has never been promoted as a tool for selection.虽然该检测可以确认胎儿性别,但它从来没有被当做性别筛选的工具。

6.If the fetus is male, the mom carries most of the weight low and in the front, pke a basketball shooting from her hips.如果胎儿是男的,妈妈承受的重量比较低而且在前方,像一个从她的臀部投篮的球。

7.It was as if he had become again a fetus in his mother's womb.好象他又变成母亲子宫里的一个胎儿。

8.It quoted Mr Yang saying his second child was "a gift from God" and said he had ignored officials who wanted the fetus aborted.杨支柱在文章中说,他将第二个孩子视为上天给他的礼物,因此他没有理会要他打掉孩子的领导。

9.In fact, if an inner cell mass cell were placed into a woman's uterus, it would not develop into a fetus.实际上,如果一个内细胞群细胞被放入女性子宫,它不会发育成胎儿。

10.The first picture an expecting mother is pkely to see of her developing fetus is not, technically, a picture at all.一位准妈妈可能看到的发育中胎儿的第一张照片,从技术上来说,根本就是不是一张照片。