


美式发音: [ˈfaɪnmən] 英式发音: [ˈfainmən]




un.1.淮曼(Richard Philpps,1918-,美国物理学家,与Jupan Schwinger及Shin-lchiro Tomonaga合得1965年诺贝尔物理奖)

1.费曼 ... meirenai( 没热奶) feynman( 密斯特费曼) ludiqianshui( 陆地上潜水) ...

5.范曼 ... take out 拿出去;带出去 Feynman 范曼 Barbara 芭芭拉 ...

6.物理学家费恩曼著名物理学家费恩曼(Feynman)曾指出:量子力学的精妙之处在于引入几率幅(即量子态)的概念。事实上,量子世界的千奇百怪 …

7.费国曼费国曼(Feynman)曾说过:「自然似乎把真实世界中最重要的一些性质,设计成复杂而偶然的结果……有时候,也许会发觉原理 …



1.Richard Feynman was a very complex man. He was a man of many, many parts. He was, of course, foremost a very, very, very great scientist.理查德·费曼是个很复杂的人他是个由许多部分组成的人当然,首先要提的自然是他是个非常非常伟大的科学家。

2.As the physicist Richard Feynman famously said: The first principle is you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.物理学家理查德·费曼曾说过:“不要欺骗自己,没有比你自己更容易欺骗的人了。”

3.Feynman was trying to simulate the interaction of N particles with quantum mechanics.当时Feynman正在试图用量子力学模拟N粒子之间的相互作用。

4.In the intervening decades, Feynman's lecture has continued to inspire research in nanotechnology.费曼这场演讲在后来的数十年不断为奈米技术研究提供灵感。

5.When he was working on the Manhattan Project, Richard Feynman used to amuse himself by breaking into safes containing secret documents.理查德·费曼参与曼哈顿计划时,一度以撬解装有秘密文件的保险柜自娱。

6.Lightman considers Teller to be on the whole an evil character, in sharp contrast to his sympathetic portrayals of Einstein and Feynman.莱特曼书中,泰勒基本上是一个坏蛋,与他对爱因斯坦和费曼的赞同形成鲜明对比。

7.Feynman diagrams are a graphical way of displaying the interactions between particles and fields.费曼图是一种展示粒子与场之间相互作用的图示方法。

8.The quantum information can be taken from the classical description of physics by Feynman path integrals .通过费曼路径积分可以从物理学的经典描述中提取量子信息。

9.As even Feynman once wrote, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. "正如Feynman曾说的,“我敢打赌,没有人能完全弄明白量子物理学。”

10.Thus, in many ways, cells are the molecular factories that Feynman envisioned.因此在许多方面,细胞可以说是费曼预言的分子工厂。