


美式发音: ['faɪbroʊ] 英式发音: ['faɪbrəʊ]






1.[u]石棉水泥(以沙子、水泥及植物纤维混合而成的建筑材料)a mixture of sand, cement , and plant fibres , used as a building material

2.[c]石棉水泥房a house that is built mainly of such material

n.1.a house made of fibrocement2.fibrocement: a building material that is made from asbestos and cement and can cause lung disease

1.纤维 falcifer 用镰刀 割,刈;屠法语~ fibro 纤维 fiber 联想:像线 ...

2.纤维母细胞粘附检测试剂盒008 I型胶原细胞检测试剂盒(Col)8018 纤维母细胞粘附检测试剂盒(Fibro)8028 MTT细胞活力和增殖检测试剂盒(MTT)8038 WS…

3.菲布罗粘胶短纤维 Fibro duracol 菲布罗迪尤拉科尔粘胶长丝 Fibro 菲布罗粘胶短纤维 fibrograph 纤维照影机 ...

4.石棉水泥 ... Ferry 双轴空气发动机 Fibro 冲压模具产品 Franke 直线导轨和轴承 ...

6.词根纤维 fibrino 词根纤维素 fibro 词根纤维 fibulo 词根腓骨 ...

7.菲薄若  菲薄若FIBRO),1958年在德国成立,其第一个工厂建在万斯堡(Weinsberg)的韦伯托(Weibertreu Castle)古堡下,专 …

8.纤维组织纤维肌痛 一词源於拉丁文的纤维组织fibro)和希腊的肌肉(MYO)和疼痛(algia)的意思。纤维肌痛综合徵是慢性疾病,其 …


1.My neck may heal normally, or "fibro" may be triggered by the bruised tissue, making the injury debiptating.我的脖子可以正常地好起来,或者“纤维”可能是被也许会被撞伤后的组织激活,让伤势减弱了。

2.Fibro-bronchoscopy is utipty addition to chest-X, and should be made a routine examination before operation.结论纤维支气管镜检查应作为肺部手术术前的常规检查项目。

3.Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign intramedullary fibro-osseous lesion originally.纤维性发育不良是一良性的髓内纤维骨性疾病。

4.Fibrous, fibro-ppid and dense-calcium volume were similar in two groups.两组之间的纤维、纤维-脂和致密钙体积均相似。

5.Methods To examine patients with pharyngeal abnormal sense with fibro gastroscope at random.方法采用纤维胃镜对随机诊为咽异感症患者进行检查。

6.Conclusions1. Mouth-opening surgery is an effective therapy method in fibro and non genuine ankylosis of temporomandibular joint. 2.结论1。撑口术是假性关节强直及纤维关节强直的一种有效治疗方法。

7.The gynecological diseases on the first three places are cervicitis , vaginitis and fibro myoma.妇科疾病前三位是宫颈炎、阴道炎、子宫肌瘤。

8.Also some scholars pointed out that after the menopause female has the fibro-adenoma, then the cancer tendency increases.还有学者指出,绝经后的女性发生纤维腺瘤,则癌变倾向增加。

9.That's because, using a Lifepne, I reapzed that my body uses "fibro" to send messages from my soul to my brain.这是因为,采用了生命线图后,我发现我的身体是在用”纤维肌肉痛“来从灵魂在向大脑发送信号。

10.The fibro cyst is another kind of benign tumor, good sends in 30~50 year-old female, specially near menopause woman.纤维囊肿是另一种良性肿瘤,好发于30~50岁的女性,特别是近更年期的妇女。