

figure skating

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n.1.[Sports]a type of skating in which you have to jump, spin, and move around the ice in a particular way

1.花样滑冰 fencing--- 击剑 figure skating--- 花样滑冰 freestyle---- 自由式 ...

2.花式溜冰 figure of speech 修辞;比喻说法 figure skating 花式溜冰 figure it out 弄明白;搞定它 ...

3.花式滑冰 ... figure out 计算出;估计;想出;考虑出 Figure Skating 花样滑冰;花式溜冰;花式滑冰;冰舞 figure up 计算;计算…

4.花样溜冰 击剑[ Fencing] 花样溜冰[ Figure Skating] 高尔夫球[ Golf] ...

5.冰舞 war of position/attrition 阵地/消耗战 Figure Skating 冰舞 mandate system 托管系统 ...

6.花样滑冰起源花样滑冰起源figure skating) 起源于18世纪的英国,后相继在德国、美国、加拿大等欧美国家迅速开展。1772年英国皇家炮 …


1.If she can score a perfect ten in at least one of the last three figure skating events, I bet she'll be the champion.要是她能在最后三个花样滑冰项目中至少得到一个满分,我想冠军就非她莫属了。这段话里的习惯用语aperfectten意思是完美的成绩。

2.That night, he took her to see a figure-skating competition at the Palace of Sports.那天晚上,他带她去体育馆观看了花样滑冰比赛。

3.The German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe used to call figure skating "poetry in motion. "德国著名诗人歌德曾称花样滑冰为“运动的诗”。

4.Figure skating was one of the events at the very first Winter Olympics in 1924.花样滑冰是1924年首届冬季奥运会的比赛项目之一。

5.To be honest, we never expected that figure skating will turn into a work that earns money.说实话,我们从没有预想到花样滑冰会成为一项可以赚钱的工作。

6.She is still young. In two or three years She'll make her mark in figure - skating.她现在还年轻,不出两三年,也就会在花样溜冰方面崭露头角。

7.From a young girl with a dream to the dream of many young girls, Kim Yu-na has brought figure skating to another level.从一个拥有梦想的女孩,变为很多女孩的梦想,金妍儿把花样滑冰推向了一个新的层次。

8.She was the first Chinese woman who had won a gold medal for figure skating in an international contest, according to newspaper reports.根据报纸报道,她是第一个在国际花样溜冰比赛中赢得金牌的女选手。

9.But in the subjective sport of figure skating, the difference between gold and silver may not be a spin, but a smile.但在花样滑冰这种主观性较强的体育比赛中,金牌与银牌的差距也许并不在于一次旋转,而在于一个微笑。

10.Figure skating interests me a great deal.我对与名人交往感兴趣。