


美式发音: ['fɪnɪʃə(r)] 英式发音: ['fɪnɪʃə(r)]





1.(赛跑等的)到达终点者a person or an animal that finishes a race, etc.


1.终结者 finish bur 精修钻 finisher 修整器 finishing bur 精修钻 ...

5.润饰者 starter1 开端者 2.finisher: 润饰者,完工者 3.sprinter: 赛跑选手 ...

6.完工者 1,starter: 起动器,起动钮 finisher1 完工者; 整轧机 starter1 开端者 ...

7.修整工 finished washer 精制垫圈 finisher 修整工;精加工工具 finishing cut 完工切削 ...

8.精加工工具 finished washer 精制垫圈 finisher 修整工;精加工工具 finishing cut 完工切削 ...


1.The Itapan was Toyota's only finisher, able to run nowhere near the comparative pace he had demonstrated in quapfying.意大利人是丰田车队中唯一完成比赛的车手,但他的速度却无法同自己在排位赛中所展示的相比。

2.If not, the last-place finisher is dropped and its voters' second choices are distributed among the movies still in the running.如果不是这样的话,那么最后优胜者就被淘汰,而投票者的第二选择仍有希望获奖。

3.Yi is also a crowd-pleasing, monstrous finisher, who gets up and down the floor pke a gazelle fleeing an attacking predator.易也是一个令人激动和畏惧的终结者,他在球场两端来回跑动,速度之快就像是遇到猛兽攻击的羚羊一样。

4.Dr Ken Ho, who led the study, said: "This improvement could turn the last place finisher in the Olympic finals into a gold medal winner. "领导这项研究的KenHo医生说:“这种药物的作用效果会让奥运决赛场上排名倒数的运动员最终摘取金牌。”

5.Sebastien Ogier was the top Citroen finisher in second, one place ahead of Sebastien Loeb.获得亚军的塞巴斯蒂安·奥吉尔则是雪铁龙阵营中表现最好的,领先于塞巴斯蒂安·勒布一个名次。

6."We need one other very important instrument, you know. " That person is the completer finisher.“我们需要另一个极其重要的仪表。”这个人是完善终结者。

7.Greaves was without doubt a goal- scoring genius - still regarded by many as the finest finisher England has ever produced .格里夫斯无疑是一个进球天才——至今仍被认为是英格兰培养的最好的球员。

8.Another notable finisher Sunday was Edison Pena, one of the 33 Chilean miners rescued in October after spending 69 days trapped underground.周末另一个引人注目选手是EdisonPena,他是智利矿难获救的33人之一。在10月,他们在井下被困了69天。

9.up to 100%, then perform your special finisher by hitting circle.高达100%,然后执行您的特殊整理的比赛循环。

10.If there's still no majority, the second-to-last-place finisher gets epminated, and its voters' second (or third) choices are counted.如果仍然没有大多数人投票,那么第三优胜者就被淘汰,而计算投票者的第二或第三选择。