




1.芬利 Fidepa 菲德里 Finley 芬莉 Fremont( 弗瑞姆) ...

3.芬黎乐团 ... Fergus 弗格斯 塞尔特语 有男子气慨的 Finley 芬力 盖尔语 一道阳光 Flavian 弗拉维恩 拉丁语 黄色的 ...

5.部长芬丽致力于吸引新人到加拿大,并帮助即来人员取得成功,”部长芬利Finley)说,“这项试验将给更多的留学生提供校外工作机 …

8.部长芬蕾一批来自伊拉克的难民?我 们无法知道。不过,移民部部长芬蕾Finley)女士4月中隆重宣布,加拿 大将在2008年内接收 …


1."Hi, " she'd said simply as she offered her hand. "Finley's told me a lot about you. "她伸出手,简单的说道:“嗨,费利(译注:费恩的昵称)跟我讲过很多关于你的事。”

2.S: Let me see. Mr. Finley will be away during the middle of the week. But Monday or Tuesday will be OK.让我看一下,弗伦利先生在周中时会离开,但是星期一和星期二有时间。

3.A drop off in his points wasn't expected, though San Antonio did add depth to his position with Michael Finley.他的得分的下降不是人们所期望的,尽管马刺已经在他的这个位置上有Finley了。

4.Ms. Finley's professional career began as an administrator of The University of Western Ontario's highly regarded French Immersion School.芬利女士的职业生涯开始于西安大略大学,她当时是该大学著名的法语学院的行政助理。

5."We will continue to uphold our commitments to family reunification and refugee protection, " underpned Minister Finley.范茵莉强调说,“我们将继续遵守对团聚移民、难民保护所作的承诺。”

6.In Finley Ohio, hundreds remain in the shelters, streets are still impassable, but the water has started to recede.在俄亥俄州的芬得雷地区,仍有上百人留在避难所,道路仍不能通行,但是洪水已经开始退去。

7.He averaged 3. 7 points in 25 games this season, but his agent said Monday that Finley remains confident he still can be a contributor.在本赛季上场的25场比赛中他场均得到3.7分,但是他的经纪人在周一说芬利仍然自信能够持续贡献自己的能量。

8.Finley is expected to sign for the prorated veteran minimum.芬利可能在几天内签一份老将底薪合约。

9.Finley and Celtics coach Doc Rivers attended the same high school in Chicago.芬利和凯尔特人的主教练在芝加哥的同一所高中上过学。

10.Finley's relative decrepitude bodes ill for the Spurs.芬利相对就预示着逐渐衰老的马刺。