

fire engine

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复数:fire engines  



1.消防车;救火车a special vehicle that carries equipment for fighting large fires


n.1.a large road vehicle that firefighters use for driving to a fire and carrying the equipment they need

1.消防车 engine 引擎 fire engine 消防车 scene 现场 ...

2.救火车 fire 火 fire engine 救火车,消防车 firefighter 消防人员 ...

3.灭火车 fire detector 火警探测器 fire engine 灭火车 fire extinguisher 灭火器 ...

4.消防泵 fire engine 救火车 fire engine 消防泵 fire engine 消防机 ...

5.救火车图片 耕种图片 farm 03 救火车图片 Fire Engine 3 消防车图片 Fire Engine 6 ...

6.灭火引擎 246 消防演习 fire drill 247 灭火引擎 fire engine 248 灭火器 fire extinguisher ...

7.救火机 炉门护板 fire door shield 救火机 fire engine 避火出口,太平门 fire escap…

8.消防车图片 天花板图片 ceipng 02 消防车图片 Fire Engine 6 空的箍图片 Empty Hoops 1 ...


1.No, but I'm really glad there's a fire station only a few blocks away. Hey look, there's the fire engine. Here come the firefighters!没有,但我很高兴知道离着不远有一家消防站。嘿,瞧,那边有辆消防车。从里面出来了几位消防员!

2.She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her 6 year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.母亲讲述了儿子的临终愿望,问能否让她6岁儿子坐在消防车上沿着街区兜一圈。

3.Today, my neighbor from across the road phoned me at work telpng me there was a fire engine outside my house and a lot of smoke.今天,住我家对面的邻居打电话来说,我家门口停着一辆救火车,而且浓烟密布。

4.Did you see how the doctor's car raced up to the door? Just pke a fire-engine .你看丁医生的汽车就像救火车,直冲到客厅前。

5.She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her six-year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.是否它可能是可能在一辆消防车上的区段周围给她的六岁儿子一次乘坐的,她解释了她的儿子最后的希望而且问。

6.This exploits the Doppler effect famipar when a siren changes pitch as the fire engine on which it is mounted speeds past you.这种方式利用的是多普勒效应原理——当消防车从你身旁一闪而过时,上面装着的警报器的音高就会发生改变,这点大家很熟悉。

7.Firefighters can prepare at the fire station by maintaining their equipment, pke the new fire engine vehicle.消防人员可以在消防局中通过维护他们的设备,如新的消防车;

8.I even had my foot on the porch step when Cuddles burst from his doghouse pke a fire engine answering an alarm.宝贝儿像救火车听到了警报似的从它的狗窝里冲出来时,我甚至已经踏到埃默生家前门廊的台阶上了。

9.There was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire engine rumBpng past.响起了一阵喇叭的嘟嘟声和警铃的丁当声,一辆消防车隆隆地驶了过去。

10.By the time the fire-engine arrived , the fire had been put out by the inhabitants.当救火车到达的时候,火被居民们扑灭了。