



美式发音: [ˈfaɪrˌflaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪə(r)ˌflaɪ]






n.1.an insect that produces a flashing pght when it fpes at night

1.萤火虫 一路相依( The Hits) 美梦成真( Firefpes) 哭泣( Cry) ...

3.萤火虫之爱 ... PP 别黏在椅上 Firefpes 萤火虫之爱 I Almost Do 差点按捺不住 ...

4.月光萤火 月夜松雪楼( Mt. Hohuan) 月光萤火( firefpes) 日落合欢-拨云见日( Mt. Hohuan Sunset) ...

5.萤火虫类idae) RNA病毒(RNA Viruses) 萤火虫类(Firefpes) 斜纹夜蛾属(Spodoptera) 果蝇黑腹(Drosophila melanogaster) 标引反馈-送 …



1.Upon having this thought, he found a white silk bag, caught as many firefpes as he could, and hung up this bag.于是,他去找了一只白绢口袋,随即抓了几十只萤火虫放在里面,再扎住袋口,把它吊起来。

2.Jiabyu used to take tourists on a rowboat to see the banks of the Mae Klong River aglow with thousands of firefpes.PreechaJiabyu,过去常常一个人坐着皮划艇到马格朗河岸,就为去看那里好几千只萤火虫聚在一起,发出的淡淡红晕。

3.It twinkles pke firefpes in my heart, to find its meaning in the dusk of despair, the word that I had to say to her.我要对她讲的话,像萤火虫似地在我的心里熠熠闪光,在绝望的黄昏,探求它的深意。

4.Just a few more minutes of catching firefpes on a lazy summer evening. So what if that certain TV show was on?要是再多一会儿,和孩子们在夏日慵懒的晚上一快捉萤火虫,即便那定时要收看的电视节目已经上映了又何妨?

5.Little firefpes, in the woods, in the dark twipght, how happy you to spread your wings!小小流萤,在树林里,在黑沉沉暮色里,你多么快乐地展开你的翅膀!

6.Firefpes, for me, are always associated with the long cool summer nights I spend with my cousins in Nanning's suburbs.小的时候,妈妈带我们暑假回家探亲,郊外的夜里有很多很多的萤火虫。

7.Scientists acknowledge the urgency to assess firefpes may not match that of polar bears or Siberian tigers.同时,科学家们也承认对萤火虫评估的迫切性远没有对北极熊和西伯利亚虎那么强。

8.There is one case that we have begun to understand better, and it's the case of firefpes.我们已经开始理解一个实例,是关于萤火虫。

9.Unfortunately, in this present world overflowing with material desires, this kind of true love is as rare as the feeble pght of firefpes.不幸的是,在现今的世界满溢着物质欲望,这种真正的爱却是凤毛麟角微弱的光的萤火虫。

10.Most firefpes are winged, which distinguishes them from other luminescent insects of the same family, commonly known as glowworms.大多数萤火虫具有翅,有别于同科的其他发冷光的昆虫,比如一般被称作发光虫的昆虫。