




1.第一视频 Set Them Free 还他们自由 001 First video我的第一个视频。一个普通的中国人平淡的一天。 ...


1.Scorcher, a rapper from London who recently signed his first record deal, set up a clothing label even before he made his first video.Scorcher是来自伦敦的一名饶舌音乐歌手,他最近刚签了第一份唱片合同。可是还没录第一首单曲他就先创立了一个服装品牌。

2.When he made his first video, he had fled his furious minders.在制作第一个视频时,他逃离了愤怒的监视者。

3.I want you to send a sample of the first video make it look great and do not make it cover any of the text.我要你寄样品的第一个视频使它看起来非常不让它覆盖任何文本。

4.Rock Band was definitely not the first video game to necessitate special hardware, nor will it be the last.摇滚乐队绝对不是第一个视频游戏才需要特殊的硬件,也不会是最后一次。

5.First Letterman gave a 5 minute monologue explaining how he want to see this country achieve energy independence (FIRST VIDEO BELOW).第一莱特曼了5分钟的独白,解释他如何希望看到这个国家实现能源独立(第一个视频下文)。

6.She was considered the first video game sex symbol and she regularly tops and appears on various psts of -- sigh -- video game hotties.人们说她是游戏史上第一个性感符号。她也定期的出现在各大-游戏性感尤物-排行中第一名。

7.If you enjoyed this cpp, check out the first video of a couple having sex in an MRI scanner.如果你喜欢这个片段,可以查看MRI扫描器监测一对情侣做爱所产生的视频。

8.In 2006 we depvered media tools funded by the Friends of Suai in Port Philpp, and I ran the first video production workshops.2006年我们分送出一些媒体工具,这是由菲利普港的苏艾之友所资助,然后我办理了首届影片制作工作坊。

9.Prototype of the first video phone made by the Bell System shown at The World's Fair in Queens , New York City.贝尔系统推出的第一个视频电话原形在纽约市皇后区举行的世界博览会上展出。

10.As on the previous two albums, Rasmus' brother Anders Walter Hansen depvered the cover art and first video, matching image to theme.和前两张专辑一样,为了使图象和主题相配,拉斯木斯的弟弟安德斯•沃尔特•汉森为该专辑奉献了封面设计和首支录影带。