

fish oil

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1.鱼油示,如何你想要脱掉你身上的油脂,很可能透过服用一些深海鱼油 (fish oil)胶囊,就可以轻易的达到苗条的目的。

3.鱼肝油 Vitamins 维生素 Fish Oil 鱼肝油 Milk Powder 成人奶粉 ...

4.饲料级鱼油 饲料添加剂 Feed additive 饲料级鱼油 Fish oil 能量饲料 Energy feed ...

5.鱼油可以预防心房颤动发作 Fish oil( 鱼油可以预防心房颤动发作) N-Acetylcysteine( 辅助性药物对躁郁症有效) ...

6.鱼油软胶囊 ... Cod Liver Oil 鳕鱼肝油 Fish Oil 鱼油-增强记忆力 Coloctrum 牛初乳-提高免疫力 ...


1.Fish oil may be good for your heart but it doesn't seem to help keep you smart, according to a two-year British study.路透社.2010年4月30日新闻服用鱼油可能有益于您的心脏,但它似乎并不会让您变聪明,英国一项为期2年的研究这样说。

2.When fish oil capsules were tested from a variety of manufacturers, most were found to be very low in mercury and PCB's.从众多厂家中测试鱼油胶囊时,大多数的汞和PCB类物质含量还是很低的。

3.Since 2004, fish oil-based emulsions have been used investigationally for the treatment of parenteral nutrition-associated pver disease.自2004年以来,鱼油脂肪乳剂研究性地用于胃肠外营养相关肝脏疾病的治疗。

4.Because Super Fisol is enteric-coated and better absorbed by the body, its required dose is less than taking non-coated fish oil.由于超级Fisol肠溶和更好地被人体吸收,其所需的剂量小于非涂布鱼油。

5.Although fish oil supplements have significant health benefits, they're not always well tolerated.尽管鱼油补充剂有显着地保健效果,却并不总是耐受良好。

6.Fish oil supplements may work too; at least one study found they helped depression in people with bipolar disorder.鱼油的补充也可能发挥作用,至少,有一项调查表明鱼油可以帮助有躁郁症的病人减轻抑郁。

7.Salmon: Yes, half of its calories come from fat, but it's the heart-healthy omega-3 type (often called fish oil).鲑鱼:是的,一半的热量来自于脂肪,但它是对心脏健康的Ω-3型(通常称为鱼油)。

8.Researchers gathered over 100 different fish oil studies to see if there were any side effects from using fish oil supplements.研究人员收集了100多种不同鱼油的研究数据,以此来判断使用鱼油补充剂是否有副作用。

9.Plasma cholesterol in fish oil group was the lowest among the all groups.而鱼油组的血浆胆固醇不论在控制组及败血症组均较其他二组为低。

10.The New England Medical Center Evidence-based Practise Center concluded that any side effects from fish oil supplements would be minor.新英格兰医学中心认为鱼油补充剂的任何副作用都是轻微的。