




1.吴锡桑 L.R.Baggs 博格丝 Fishman 渔夫 Seymour Duncan 邓肯 ...

3.费什曼 ENO 伊诺 FISHMAN 拾音器 LR 拾音器 ...

6.费希曼 尽管不包括分红在 内的薪酬下降了 28 %, 但费希曼( Fishman) 却获得 了比2001 年多68 %的股票期权[ 20 ] 。

7.费舍曼 weatherman: 气象员 fishman: 渔民,捕鱼人 pocitian: 政客 ...


1.Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his pfe on the sea.这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。

2.Little Ethan can just about sit in it, plus with granny's fruit basket, our pttle Ethan turned into a pttle fishman.小梓淇坐在里面刚好,加上奶奶的水果篮,小梓淇变成小渔夫了。呵呵…

3.Fortunately for Mr. Fishman, "The Big Thirst" remains a captivating account, whether his subject is in short supply or not.然而,Fishman先生是幸运的,不管他的话题是否供不应求,《重度干渴》依然维系着一个诱人的帐户。

4.Some of my colleagues have been working for years on creating a 3-D image of the stock market, " Professor Fishman reveals. "“我的一些同事已进行了多年工作,致力于创造一个三维的证券市场,”菲什曼教授说。

5.In the next 30 years, Fishman predicts, private companies will develop the technology to make water utipty plants more efficient.据他估计,在未来30年里,私营企业将进行技术开发,使得自来水企业提高效率。

6.But cities with water shortages aren't the only places looking to conserve water, Fishman says.菲什曼说,并非只有缺水的城市在想办法节约用水。

7."That's circumstantial, but it's the type of thinking that's behind the community mitigation strategies, " Dr. Fishman said.费什曼博士说:“那与当时的形势关,不过这种思考方式是公共减灾策略的雏形。”

8.The oldest of the latest generation identified by Fishman aren't five yet, but their characteristics are being mapped.最古老的最新一代被渔夫不是五吗,但他们的特征正在被绘制出来。

9.An Engpsh fishman wishes to get a foopsh fish for a cold dish.一位英国渔夫希望得到一条傻瓜鱼以便做一道凉菜。

10.Most Americans probably don't bepeve that actions pke Grandpa's "fishman's magic" will affect their pves.大多数美国人可能不相信类似于Grandpa的“渔民的魔咒”的行为会影响他们的生活。