


美式发音: [fɪtsˈrɔɪ] 英式发音: [fitsˈrɔi]





un.1.river in northern Western Austrapa that rises in the Durack Range and empties into the Indian Ocean near Derby.


7.菲兹洛伊在墨尔本大学获得理科学士学位和教育文凭后,进入菲兹洛伊Fitzroy)中学执教。后来转行经营餐馆生意,十五的积累,已 …


1.About a week later (on 11 September) FitzRoy took Darwin out to see the Beagle at Plymouth.大约一个星期以后(9月11日)菲茨罗伊带达尔文去普利茅斯看贝格尔号。

2.A young man of 23 years of age named Robert FitzRoy was a Lieutenant on this voyage.罗伯特菲茨罗伊,一位23岁的年轻人,此时是一名上尉。

3.The Fitzroy River has now swamped large parts of the city, and the main roads to the south and west have been cut off.菲茨罗伊河现在淹没城市的大部分地区,南部和西部的主要道路也被切断。

4.I am looking out of another window in London. It is at Fitzroy Road.我从另一扇窗往外望,那是在伦敦翡茨罗伊街。

5.He was given quarters in the chart room, one deck above Capt. FitzRoy's quarters, at the stern of the ship.他被安排在海图室的房间,位于船尾菲茨罗伊卧仓的上一层。

6.FitzRoy oversaw the work, using much of his own money to guarantee that no expense was spared.菲茨罗伊亲任监工,花了很多他自己的钱,可谓不遗余力。

7.When he arrived Darwin learned that Capt. FitzRoy may have already selected another person as naturapst for the voyage.当他到那时,却了解到菲茨罗伊船长可能已经另有随航的博物学家人选。

8.The recession forced Fitzroy to sell some of his recent acquisitions.经济衰退迫使菲茨罗伊出售部分最近收购的项目。

9.What is not widely known is that Capt. FitzRoy had a personal mission of his own.但大多数人都不知道的是,罗伯特菲茨罗伊还有他自己的使命。

10.Following the persist rainstorms, the Fitzroy River in Queensland has swollen, hitting 40% of the Rockhampton City.连续暴雨使昆士兰州境内的菲茨罗伊河水位上涨,造成罗克汉普顿市40%区域受到洪水冲击。