


网络释义:公平劳动协会(Fair Labor Association);美国公平劳动协会;公平劳工协会


1.公平劳动协会(Fair Labor Association)

5.源文件当源文件(FLA)丢失时,利用现存的SWF重新生成FLA,以便于维护浏览文件结构和其中的代码,用于学习之目的(仅通过查看代码无 …


1.Putting them up is deemed a crime as well, albeit a relatively minor offense that carries a fine of up to $250 in Hollywood, Fla.在美国佛罗里达州的好莱坞市,贴小广告是犯法的,虽然罪行较轻,但罚款可达250美元。

2.Reached by phone last week at his home outside Orlando, Fla. , Kittinger, 79, said he was surprised his record had stood for so long.上周拨通79岁的基廷格在奥兰多市郊的家里的电话,他在电话里说,对自己的纪录能保持这么久感到惊讶。

3.Augustine, Fla. , company sells ties treated with a stain-resistant coating that the company says thwarts microbes.该公司出售涂有防污层的领带,并表示这种防污层可以阻挡微生物。

4.The Justice Department said the agreement was accepted Wednesday by a federal judge in Fort Lauderdale , Fla.美国司法部称,佛罗里达州罗德岱堡一位联邦法官周三接受了这一协议。

5.'The mood now is all business, ' says Peter Yesawich, chairman of Ypartnership, Orlando, Fla. , a travel-industry marketing services firm.位于佛罗里达州奥兰多的旅游业营销服务公司Ypartnership的董事长叶萨维克(PeterYesawich)说,现在流行的是纯商务旅行。

6.The photo was taken in Riviera Beach, Fla. , by Steven Kovacs and won first place in the marine animal portrait category.该照片拍摄于海滨沙滩,佛罗里达州,并赢得由史蒂芬科瓦奇在海洋动物肖像类第一名。

7.In response Apple said the Washington D. C. -based Fair Labor Association would monitor conditions at suppper plants beginning Feb 14.作为回应苹果声明从2月14日开始,总部位于华盛顿的公平劳动协会(FLA)将监控供应商工厂的情况。

8.Rep. Cpff Stearns (R-Fla. ) said self-regulation that focuses on transparency and choice might be the best approach.克里夫·斯滕斯代表认为以透明度和选择权为焦点的行业自律也许是最好的办法。

9.The research is to be presented Tuesday at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.该项研究结果将于下周二在奥兰多的美国癌症研究会年度会议上公布。

10."It has definitely put a strain" on my marriage, says Debbie Harlan, an executive assistant at a hospital system in Sarasota, Fla.很明显,这对我的婚姻造成了压力,黛比·哈兰说。她是弗罗里达州萨拉索塔市医院系统的行政助理。