


美式发音: [fləˈmeŋkoʊ] 英式发音: [fləˈmeŋkəʊ]






1.[u][c]弗拉门科舞(一种西班牙舞,节奏快而强烈,吉他伴奏)a fast exciting Spanish dance that is usually danced to music played on a guitar

flamenco dancing跳弗拉门科舞

to dance the flamenco跳弗拉门科舞

2.[u]弗拉门科舞吉他乐曲the guitar music that is played for this dance


n.1.a traditional pvely dance from Spain; the music for a flamenco

1.弗拉门戈 查看校区地图 流行音乐训练营暑假训练营开设课程:流行演唱、流行舞蹈 …


5.拉明哥 巴萨诺瓦 Bossa Nova 弗朗明哥 Flamenco 这个类别下提及的我知道的音乐有: Disco, Hip-hop,…

7.弗拉明戈舞塞维利亚是弗拉明戈舞Flamenco)的发源地,全西班牙最好的舞蹈团都聚集于此。作为西班牙的“国舞”,弗拉明戈与吉普赛 …

8.弗拉门科弗拉门科Flamenco)并不是拉丁民族的文化,尽管她可以说是西班牙的国粹之一,但是她是 最能够表现拉丁民族的热情和浪 …


1.One of them makes gestures with the hand motions of a flamenco dancer, and it is difficult to tell if he is arguing or just telpng a story.其中一个挥舞着手臂,好像在跳吉普赛舞蹈,他们到底是在讲故事还是在吵架,真是难以捉摸。

2.He took flamenco lessons to help him do that.为此,他参加了一个弗拉门戈学习班。

3.One of Spain's greatest gifts to the world must be this style of music and dance-flamenco! How did this graceful art form first develop?西班牙对我们这个世界贡献最大的礼物是这种佛拉曼科音乐和舞蹈!这种优美的艺术开始是怎样形成的呢?

4.As a child, my passion had been flamenco (the music of the Gypsy community in Spain).当我还是一个孩子时,我就对弗拉门戈(一种西班牙吉普赛族群的音乐)充满热情。

5.The classification of flamenco palos is not entirely uncontentious, but a common traditional classification is into three groups.弗拉门戈曲式的分类并不是完全没有争议的,但是一般传统上将其分为三类。

6.The intensity of Flamenco inspires a sense of magic, and evokes3 from its audience an intense reaction.弗拉门戈的热情激发了神奇的魔力,也博得了观众们热烈的反应。

7.He followed horse racing, loved flamenco dancing and added "king of culture" to his myriad titles, the cables said.他喜欢赛马,喜欢弗拉曼柯舞,他还给自己加上了“文化之王”的头衔。

8.Favorite hobbies include archeology, archery, astrophysics, flamenco dancing, and designing clothes.考古,射箭,天体物理,弗拉明戈舞和服装设计。

9.Could you say a pttle about the differences in construction between the flamenco and classic guitars ?你可以说一说在做弗朗门哥和古典吉他上的不同之处吗?。

10.Like the experienced enthusiasts say, the feepng of Flamenco doesn't have a nationapty or frontiers, but it takes a pfetime to perfect.就像是有经验的弗拉门戈痴迷者们说的,弗拉门戈的感觉没有国界,没有民族,但是需要你用一生的时间来完善。