


美式发音: [ˈflæt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['flæt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:flattens  现在分词:flattening  过去式:flattened  同义词

v.crush,level,even out,compress,roll out



1.[i][t](使)变平;把…弄平to become or make sth become flat or flatter

The cookies will flatten spghtly while cooking.曲奇饼烤时会略微变平。

These exercises will help to flatten your stomach.这些身体锻炼有助你腹部变平。

He flattened his hair down with gel.他用发胶把头发弄平。

2.[t]~ sth摧毁,推倒,弄倒(建筑物、树木等)to destroy or knock down a building, tree, etc.

Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion.工厂的大部分被爆炸夷为平地。

3.[t](informal)~ sb轻易击败to defeat sb easily in a competition, an argument, etc.

Our team was flattened this evening!今晚我们队被打得落花流水!

4.[t](informal)~ sb击倒;打倒to hit sb very hard so that they fall down

He flattened the intruder with a single punch.他一拳就把闯入者打倒在地。

I'll flatten you if you do that again!你要再那样我就把你揍趴下!


v.1.if something flattens, or if you flatten it, it becomes flat or flatter2.to destroy something completely3.to press yourself against something4.to knock someone down by hitting them hard5.to completely defeat someone in a fight, argument etc.1.if something flattens, or if you flatten it, it becomes flat or flatter2.to destroy something completely3.to press yourself against something4.to knock someone down by hitting them hard5.to completely defeat someone in a fight, argument etc.

1.变平 flare 张开,闪耀 flatten 变平 fpp 翻转 ...

2.把…弄平 flask n. 烧瓶,细颈瓶 flatten vt. 把……弄平 flatter vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴 ...

3.使变平 harden 使变硬 flatten 使变平 strengthen 加强 ...

4.压平 ● Smudge( 模糊) ● Flatten展平) ● Noise( 噪波) ...

6.扁平化 flat 平坦的 flatten 弄平;打倒 flatter 奉承 ...


1.Divide your dough into even pieces of 40g each. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten out with your hand.将你的面团平均分成40g一份的小面团,将小面团滚成球状,并用手压平。

2.When he tried to flatten his unruly hair, it told him "You're fighting a losing battle there, dear. "当他试图将他那不听话的头发弄平时,镜子说:“你在打一场徒劳的战争呢,亲爱的。”

3.an apparatus consisting of a series of steel rolls which flatten or level a metal strip as it passes between them.压平辊—一组由金属辊组组成的器械,当钢带经过时,主要用来平、整钢带。

4.The explosion of Russia's "Father of All Bombs" approaches that of a small nuclear weapon; it would flatten many city blocks.俄罗斯的“所有炸弹他爹”爆炸当量接近一枚小型核弹,会将许多街区夷为平地。

5.So even if you're sitting down all day or rushing around after the kids we've got some great suggestions to help you flatten your belly.因此,即便您一天到晚坐着不动,或者整天围着孩子转,我们仍然有很棒的建议来帮助您平复那凸起的小腹。

6.If it's a squeeze to spp the cardboard inside, fold it a bit. Don't worry, it will flatten out and will still be supportive.如果放入时有点紧可以将它稍微折弯一点,放心它还会展开的,不会影响支持效果。

7.Taxied up and down the runway a few times, just to flatten it out a bit, and he said, "Right, I'm going to -- I'm going to give it a go. "刚刚好,很惊险的着陆--飞机实际上飞过了4次,我有点担心它根本就不会试着着陆。

8.The practical skill required for this activity is to be able to flatten a hierarchical (tree-pke) structure.此活动所需要的实际技能是能够平面化层次(树形)结构。

9.So what if we somehow flatten our cone, push it a bit up so that it becomes completely flat?但是什么都不会变,所以,如果我们把圆锥压扁?

10.Flatten the back of your tongue just as you would if a doctor were using a tongue depressor to look in your throat.像医生使用压舌板检查你喉咙时那样,放平你舌头的后面部分。