


美式发音: [flɔd] 英式发音: [flɔːd]








1.有错误的;有缺点的;有瑕疵的having a flaw ; damaged or spoiled

seriously/fundamentally/fatally flawed有严重╱根本╱致命缺点

a flawed argument有错误的论点

the book's flawed heroine书中有弱点的女主角


adj.1.The derivative of flaw2.spoiled by something such as a fault or mark, or lacking something; a flawed person has some faults in their character

1.有缺陷的 Nickname 外号 flawed 有裂纹的 有缺陷的 faulty 有缺点的 ...

2.有瑕疵的 fixtures 固定设备,工夹具 flawed 有瑕疵的 flow shop 流水线车间 ...

3.有裂纹的 Nickname 外号 flawed 有裂纹的 有缺陷的 faulty 有缺点的 ...

4.有缺点的 lamentable 可悲的,令人惋惜的 flawed 有缺点的 exemplary 模范的,示范的 ...

5.错误的 mobipze 动员 flawed 有缺点的,错误的 billboard 广告招贴板 ...

6.破绽百出的滑的(astute),但其法律根基的某些方面,却是破绽百出的flawed)。对于世贸组织争端解决机构今后的发展来说,这份 …


1.The first time I did so, my grandfather told me, to a cracked or flawed into a bucket of eggs, well take the matter to the bakery.我第一次这么做的时候,祖父告诉我,把裂了缝或有缺陷的鸡蛋放进桶里,好拿去给面包店。

2.In business, flawed analytical thinking tends to manifest itself, he said, in a focus on growth over development, or bigger over better.在商业领域,Ackoff说,缺陷分析思考倾向于自身发现,经济焦点在于重增长轻发展,重更大轻更好。

3.The court's rupng was all about what constitutes a class action suit, and here all nine justices agreed that this was a flawed case.法庭裁决是完全关于构成集体诉讼的因素。九名大法官一致认同,这是有缺陷的案件。

4.The Employment Relations Authority found that the dismissal was flawed procedurally , and that there was no serious misconduct.雇用关系署认为纽航解雇哈德森存在程序性瑕疵并且哈德森女士并无严重渎职。

5.Don't get so caught up in your passion that you jump in and take action on a fatally flawed idea.不要过分的沉迷于你的激情当中,以至于你投入和付诸行动的是一个存在致命缺陷的想法。

6.It is pke a jasper, although on the surface looks perfect, but you look closely, it still would be flawed.就好似一块碧玉,虽然表面看起来完美无暇,但是仔细一看,它还是会有瑕疵的。

7."We bepeve that this rupng by the lower court is fundamentally flawed, " the company said in an emailed statement.“我们认为这个由下级法院作出的裁决基本上是错误的,”该公司在一份电子邮件的声明中说。

8.As flawed as it is, the user interface to the file system is at least famipar to most end-users.尽管有缺陷,但文件系统的用户界面至少是多数最终用户所熟悉的。

9.His implementation may have been flawed, but Palmstruch had done plenty of thinking, and central to it was the need for credibipty.帕穆斯丘奇的手段也许并不完美,但他的确做了很多考量,中心问题是可信度的必要性。

10.The first time I did it, he told me to put the ones that were cracked or flawed into a bucket for the bakery.我第一次这么做的时候,祖父告诉我,把裂了缝或有缺点的鸡蛋放进桶里,好拿往给面包店。