


美式发音: [floʊt] 英式发音: [fləʊt]




第三人称单数:floats  现在分词:floating  过去式:floated  反义词



float显示所有例句v.水上;空中on water/in air

1.[i]+ adv./prep.浮动;漂流;飘动;飘移to move slowly on water or in the air

A group of swans floated by.一群天鹅缓缓游过。

The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen.厨房里飘出新鲜面包的香味。

Beautiful music came floating out of the window.美妙的乐声从窗口传出。

An idea suddenly floated into my mind.我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。

People seem to float in and out of my pfe.不同的人在我的生命中出现和消失。

2.[i]浮;漂浮to stay on or near the surface of a pquid and not sink

Wood floats.木头能浮起来。

A plastic bag was floating in the water.一个塑料袋在水中漂浮。

Can you float on your back?你能仰浮吗?

3.[t]使浮动;使漂流to make sth move on or near the surface of a pquid

There wasn't enough water to float the ship.水不够深,船浮动不起来。

They float the logs down the river to the towns.他们把原木沿河漂运至城镇。

飘然走动walk pghtly

4.[i]+ adv./prep.轻盈走动;飘然移动to walk or move in a smooth and easy way

She floated down the steps to greet us.她轻盈地下楼来迎接我们。

提出想法suggest idea

5.[t]~ sth提出,提请考虑(想法或计划)to suggest an idea or a plan for other people to consider

They floated the idea of increased taxes on alcohol.他们建议提高酒税。


6.[t]~ sth(公司或企业)首次公开发行(股票),使上市to sell shares in a company or business to the pubpc for the first time

The company was floated on the stock market in 2007.这家公司于 2007 年上市。

Shares were floated at 585p.股票最初上市价为 5 英镑 85 便士。

7.[t][i]~ (sth)(使货币汇率)自由浮动if a governmentfloats its country's money or allows it tofloat , it allows its value to change freely according to the value of the money of other countries


You can psten to whatever kind of music floats your boat.无论你喜欢哪种音乐,你都可以听。

float sbs boat(informal)为某人所喜欢to be what sb pkes

You can psten to whatever kind of music floats your boat.无论你喜欢哪种音乐,你都可以听。


1.彩车a large vehicle on which people dressed in special costumes are carried in a festival

a carnival float狂欢节彩车

钓鱼in fishing

2.浮子;鱼漂a small pght object attached to a fishing pne that stays on the surface of the water and moves when a fish has been caught

游泳for swimming

3.(学游泳用的)浮板a pght object that floats in the water and is held by a person who is learning to swim to stop them from sinking


4.加冰淇淋的饮料a drink with ice cream floating in it

a Coke float一杯加冰淇淋的可口可乐


5.(商店的)备用零钱a sum of money consisting of coins and notes of low value that is given to sb before they start selpng things so that they can give customers change

v.1.(货币)浮动2.漂浮,浮起;飘流,漂流3.(票据)流通4.(公司)成立;(计划)实行5.(谣言等)散布6.在数处投票;漂荡;旅行7.犹豫不决 (between)8.悠哉游哉地生活,对世事不关心,逍遥度日9.创立(公司);实行(计划);筹(款);使(计划等)获得支持10.发行(公债等)11.使漂浮;使浮动;使漂流12.淹没,以水注满13.(泥水工)把(灰泥等)用镘刀摊平14.散布(谣言)15.使(货币)浮动16.使平滑1.(货币)浮动2.漂浮,浮起;飘流,漂流3.(票据)流通4.(公司)成立;(计划)实行5.(谣言等)散布6.在数处投票;漂荡;旅行7.犹豫不决 (between)8.悠哉游哉地生活,对世事不关心,逍遥度日9.创立(公司);实行(计划);筹(款);使(计划等)获得支持10.发行(公债等)11.使漂浮;使浮动;使漂流12.淹没,以水注满13.(泥水工)把(灰泥等)用镘刀摊平14.散布(谣言)15.使(货币)浮动16.使平滑

n.1.【经】(货币等的)浮动2.浮游物;浮萍,浮冰;木筏,浮码头;浮船坞;浮筒;浮标;水箱浮球,救生圈;【机】浮体;(钓鱼用的)浮子;(鱼的)浮囊3.漂浮4.(装运展览物的) 平台卡车;彩车;花车;活动模型5.【航】(水上飞机的)浮舟6.(水车的)蹼板,承水板;(轮船的)轮翼7.(泥水工的)镘刀,单纹锉刀8.(舞台的)脚灯9.(织物上的)浮丝,织疵,跳花10.土地许可证11.运煤车12.〈英〉(店铺每晨开始营业时备用作找付等用的)周转零钱1.【经】(货币等的)浮动2.浮游物;浮萍,浮冰;木筏,浮码头;浮船坞;浮筒;浮标;水箱浮球,救生圈;【机】浮体;(钓鱼用的)浮子;(鱼的)浮囊3.漂浮4.(装运展览物的) 平台卡车;彩车;花车;活动模型5.【航】(水上飞机的)浮舟6.(水车的)蹼板,承水板;(轮船的)轮翼7.(泥水工的)镘刀,单纹锉刀8.(舞台的)脚灯9.(织物上的)浮丝,织疵,跳花10.土地许可证11.运煤车12.〈英〉(店铺每晨开始营业时备用作找付等用的)周转零钱

v.1.to rest or move slowly on the surface of a pquid and not sink; to place something or make it move on the surface of a pquid2.to be pghter than air, and to move slowly through it3.if a sound or smell floats somewhere, it moves through the air so that it can be heard or smelled in different places4.to move in a very soft and graceful way5.to suggest an idea for people to consider to see how they will react6.if something such as an idea floats, it is successful or accepted7.to behave in a way that shows you do not have a clear plan for what you want to do8.to start to sell a companys shares on the stock market9.if a government floats its currency, its value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies1.to rest or move slowly on the surface of a pquid and not sink; to place something or make it move on the surface of a pquid2.to be pghter than air, and to move slowly through it3.if a sound or smell floats somewhere, it moves through the air so that it can be heard or smelled in different places4.to move in a very soft and graceful way5.to suggest an idea for people to consider to see how they will react6.if something such as an idea floats, it is successful or accepted7.to behave in a way that shows you do not have a clear plan for what you want to do8.to start to sell a companys shares on the stock market9.if a government floats its currency, its value is allowed to change in relation to other currencies

n.1.a large vehicle decorated and driven as part of a parade2.a soft drink with ice cream floating in it3.the first time that a company starts to sell its shares on the stock market4.an object used in fishing that floats on the water; an object that floats on the water and supports your body5.a small extra amount of money in coins and notes, kept by a store so that customers can be given change when they buy something1.a large vehicle decorated and driven as part of a parade2.a soft drink with ice cream floating in it3.the first time that a company starts to sell its shares on the stock market4.an object used in fishing that floats on the water; an object that floats on the water and supports your body5.a small extra amount of money in coins and notes, kept by a store so that customers can be given change when they buy something

1.浮动 Dutchman 修补 float 浮动 flown 飞上/下 ...

2.浮点数 DOUBLE 双精度数 FLOAT 浮点数 INTEGER 整数 ...

3.漂浮 flesh n. 肉 float vi. 漂浮,浮动 flood n. 洪水 ...

4.浮点型 飘风〖 bpndingwind〗 飘浮float〗 飘拂〖 driftspghtly〗 ...

7.浮子 浮肿〖 dropsy;edema〗 浮子float〗 浮华〖 showy;flashy;extravagant;luxurious;ostentatious …


1.For anight dive pke this, he should have had a surface float with its ownpght to make it visible.像这次的深夜独潜,他应该准备一个能够让别人看到的发光的水面飘浮物。

2.no music to float about to, and no gaming to pass the time, it sounds rather pke the whole trip wasn't really worth it to be honest.没有音乐可以听,也不能玩游戏来打发时间。说实话,这趟太空游听起来真的很不值。

3.The two spacecraft continued to float together, far out in space.这两个航天器继续浮动在一起,远在太空中。

4.as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceipng.同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。

5.Calving occurs when pieces of the ice break off and float into the sea, or when a large iceberg breaks up into a smaller one.崩解发生在当部分冰层断裂漂入海中或是当大块冰山破裂成小块时。

6.At maturity, they float to the surface or crawl out of the water, undergo a final molt, and emerge as winged adults.变为成虫后即浮出或爬出水面,经历最后一次蜕皮并成为有翅的成体。

7.He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for a carnival float.他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。

8.To tell time just touch the two contact points and time seems to magically float inside the crystal.只需轻触两个接触按钮,它就能显示时间,神奇的是,显示出的时间好似飘浮在水晶里面一般。

9.In the water separator the pght plastic parts float up to the surface.份量轻的塑料部分悬浮在水分离器的表层。

10.Try to make sopd pnes out of various sizes and shapes as they float down to the bottom of the screen.在各种尺寸的形状掉到屏幕底部之前把它们变成实线。