




1.浮城大亨hammad Ashkbar Sefat 25) 漂浮之城Floating City):Wei Zhao via yanko 设计

4.海上漂浮城市 ... 1. abandon v. 离开(某人﹑ 某物或某地)而不返回 2. floating city 漂泊的城市 4. no longer =not any more 不再 ...

6.浮动之城斯特纳那样彻底拥抱“未来水世界”,当最新一项名为“浮动之城Floating city)”的项目提出后,连2010年上海世博会都主动要 …


1.In his later years, as he body began to fail him, Ackbar came out retirement from his home at the Heurkea Floating City on Mon Calamari.阿克巴晚年虽然身体欠佳,但还是重新出山,离开了他在蒙卡拉马里星球赫基漂浮城的家。

2.For centuries, this floating city has been a favorite of lovers, writers, artists, and businessmen.几个世纪以来,这个漂浮的城市是情侣、作家、艺术家和商人的最爱。

3.You'll see, too, why St. Petersburg is called a "floating city. "你也会了解,为什么圣彼得堡又被称为「漂浮的城市」。

4.And lots of them came to this immense, floating city called Ark. It's lost contact to the rest of the world.将近一夜之间上百万人流离失所,而很多人来到这座称为方舟的巨大海上漂浮城市。

5.The Ark is a floating city, which was originally designed as a prototype for a perfect city, with renewable resources and no pollution.方舟是浮动城市,原先是作为一种原型,一个完美的城市,可再生资源,不污染环境。

6.I still ask myself if I did the right thing, abandoning his floating city.我还在问我自己,究竟有没有做错,把他那漂浮的城市遗弃了

7.Another idea that will be helpful to small countries and island countries is the floating city.另外一种对于小国和岛国有益的想法是漂浮城市。

8.Touted as a self-sufficent floating city, Sarly Adre Bin Sarkum's Water-Scraper utipzes a variety of green technologies.SarlyAdreBinSarkum的水下摩天大楼采用了各种环保技术,被高度评价为自给自足的漂浮城市。

9.when I abandoned his floating city. And I don't mean only for the work. Fact is, abandon:放弃,遗弃floating:漂流的;浮动的当我离开了他漂泊的城市,我指的不仅是工作,事实是

10.when I abandoned his floating city当我离开了他漂泊的城市