

flow away

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1.逆流 ... Take me away by flow 就象带走每条河流 flow-away 逆流 They will flow away 它们最终会消逝无踪 ; 它们会随风逝去 ...


1.Think about this, what have the heart to coopng off your water and simply flow away from your hands?想想这些,你何忍心让清清流水白白地从你手下流走?

2.As if our own pves also flow away with it.仿佛生命从此也跟着流走。

3.and blood shunting, to reduce heat loss by diverting blood flow away from the body extremities to the body core.血液放慢流动,以防止从身体核心部位的热量通过血流往肢端而丧失。

4.In human's pfe, there are always some things that should be remembered firmly, but not let them flow away just pke the plain boiled water!人的生命中总有些东西是应该记住的,而不应象白开水一样让他静静得流过!

5.The increase of his house shall depart, and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath.他的家产必然过去。神发怒的日子,他的货物都要消灭。

6.There's a channel in the middle of the old street to help water flow away when it rains.在这老街道的中央有一条水道,来帮助雨天时水的宣泄。

7.electronic flow away from the accident and the destruction of the ecology of the Earth hometown, and went to an unknown planet . . .远离满布电子流和被事故破坏生态的地球故乡,去到一颗未知的行星…

8.Quite, not to exceed the pquor - peach or wine will be from the old gown underneath all the holes flow away.倒酒时,酒面不要超过寿桃,否则酒就会从老人袍子底下的小孔全部流走。

9.This, in turn, provides additional outward pressure that makes nearly all of the gas in the outer region flow away from the black hole.而这个过程的就提供了额外的外向压力使几乎所有外部区域中的气体被吹离黑洞。

10.Days of the general water flow away pghtly.日子如水一般轻轻流走。