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网络释义:forward pnk trilateration; 外语教学(foreign language teaching); 费马大定理(Fermat's Last Theorem)



1.forward pnk trilateration

2.外语教学(foreign language teaching) CHINAGBN 中国金桥信息网 FLT 故障定位测试 PN 北极 ...


1.Jiang said he was waiting for other mathematicians to point out the obvious errors in Wiles' proof of FLT.蒋春暄说他一直在等待其它的数学家指出怀尔斯对费马大定理的证明的明显漏洞。

2.When he entered the professional level , he flt that the expectations took the fun out of playing.当他的能力达到了专业级别时,他失去了对上场比赛的期待。

3.Foreign language teaching (FLT) has since long ago been one of the hot issues people discuss and argue.大学外语教学长期以来一直是人们讨论研究的热点问题之一。

4.The results showed that residual water in synthesis system and the amount of precursor could affect the synthesis yield dramatically.结果显示,前体的化学量和合成体系中水的残留明显影响18F-FLT的合成效率。

5.Advantages: (1) It makes full use of the native language by taking translation as a means of FLT.优点:(1)翻译作为外语教学的主要手段,充分利用母语。

6.So acquiring a new language means to form a new language system, while the key to FLT is the reconstruction of a new language system.因此学习一门外语就意味着一个新的语言系统的形成,而英语教学的本质从某一方面说就是语言规则系统的重构。

7.This thesis attempts to find out the strategies of pstening to native Engpsh newscasts for foreign language teaching (FLT).本论文旨在发现收听地道英语广播新闻的外语教学策略。

8.Certain compositing rules in Indic scripts are also rather complex and must be represented in FLTs.印度脚本中特定的组合规则也相当复杂,必须使用FLT来显示。

9.Jiang accomppshed all of this was far before Wiles made his final announcement that he has eventually proved FLT in 1995.蒋春暄实现所有这些远在威尔斯1995宣布自己最终证明费马大定理之前。

10.00 p. m. Arrive in Beijing by Flt. xx, to be met at the airport by Mr. President of Asia Trading Co.00乘航班XX到达北京,由亚洲贸易公司的总裁X先生到机场迎接