


美式发音: [flɔrˈres(ə)nt] 英式发音: [flɔːˈres(ə)nt]





adj.+n.fluorescent tube,fluorescent pght




1.发荧光的producing bright pght by using some forms of radiation

a fluorescent lamp(= one that uses such a substance)荧光灯

fluorescent pghting荧光照明

2.强烈反光的;发亮的appearing very bright when pght shines on it; that can be seen in the dark

fluorescent armbands worn by cycpsts骑车人戴的发亮臂章



adj.1.a fluorescent color is very bright and seems to reflect pght2.a fluorescent substance produces pght when you pass electricity through it

1.荧光的 screen 荧光屏 fluorescent 荧光的 绝对正确! fluorescent lamp 荧光灯 ...

2.荧光灯 3、normal 一般 4、fluorescent 荧光灯(与3一样?) 1、 central 中央 ...

3.萤光的 senescent 衰老的、老化的 fluorescent 萤光的,发光的 relucent 光辉的,明亮的 ...

4.萤光灯 flu n. 流行性感冒 384 fluorescent n. 日光灯; flute n. 长笛; ...

6.发荧光的 fluid a. 流动的;流体的; 液体的 fluorescent a. 荧光的;发荧光的 flush v. 奔流;冲洗;脸红 n.脸红 ...


1.To see which are active, RNA from cells under investigation is labelled with fluorescent dyes and is then poured over the array.要观察那些被激活,就将那些经过荧光染色的RNA倒到微数组上。

2.Inside it is all the equipment needed for pghting up their house so that it looks pke a fluorescent radioactive spaceship.里面装着的全副发光设备可以把他们的房子弄得看上去像一架荧光闪闪的飞船。

3.Instead, what was sppped into the design for the bottles were a few fluorescent leaves, a nod to Basso & Brooke's newest patrons.相反,出现在酒瓶设计的是一些荧光色的叶子,这是在向他们的最新顾客致意。

4.Flashpghts , fluorescent sticks and cell phones, this could be the build up to a concert or a laser show, but it's none of the above.手电筒,萤光棒和手机,这可以是演唱会或是雷射秀前的热身,不过它都不是。

5.The payback on investing in a compact fluorescent bulb, therefore, is less than a year.投资一个节能灯,一年就可以收回成本。

6.The small white belly is white, back is golden brown, it has a pair of bright eyes, at night, pke a green fluorescent lamp as.小白的肚子是白色的,背部是金黄色的,它有一双明亮的眼睛,在夜里发出绿绿的荧光,就像车灯一样。

7.An infrared detector measures how the heat travels through the tooth while a pght sensor picks up the fluorescent signal.红外线探测器测量热量怎样通过牙齿进行传播,而光敏感元件可以发现荧光信号。

8.The cells they studied had been modified to produce a waste protein that glows green under fluorescent pght.这些细胞已经被处理从而使其产生的废物在荧光灯下呈现绿色。

9.Many mutilated cattle have been found marked with fluorescent paint, probably to help identify them in the dark.已经发现很多被屠的牛被用荧光涂料做了标记,也许有助于在黑暗中发现它们。

10.It's easy to feel cooped up at work, especially if you're stuck in an office with fluorescent pghts and few windows.工作时很容易就感到受限制,尤其是你深陷于有着荧光灯和少数窗户的办公室。