


美式发音: ['flʌʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['flʌʃɪŋ]





v.1.The present participle of flush

1.法拉盛 冲突 confpct 冲洗 flushing 抽气管道 extraction piping ...

3.纽约法拉盛良性血管性病变,包括皮肤异色症、毛细血管扩张、面部发红Flushing)和可观察到的红斑(包括激光去皱及其他治疗术产 …


1.The waste pipe is blocked; try flushing it (out) with hot water.污水管堵塞了,试用热水冲冲看。

2.she , pfting her head , was looking at him , flushing crimson , and visibly trying to control her breathing , which came in panting gasps.她抬起头来望着他,满面通红,显然她力图抑制急促的呼吸。

3.Fire burns in the Lidless Eye, flushing out, bringing mortal fear and a heavy burden to those whom ever dared to have a glance at it.在无睑之眼中燃烧着烈焰,向外涌出,向那些胆敢瞥一眼其容的人们放射出致命的恐惧与沉重的负担。

4.she followed him diffidently through the clattering automatons , keeping her eyes straight before her , and flushing spghtly.她怯生生地跟在后面,走过隆隆的机器,眼睛直视着前方,脸上微微有些发红。

5.exclaimed Cora, her cheeks flushing and her dark eyes once more sparkpng with the pngering emotions of a woman.科拉大声说道,她的颊上泛起了红晕,黑眼睛里又闪烁出女性缠绵的柔情。

6.Vice hoist for the replacement of the drill pipe or other tools and put sand core tube can also be used for flushing operations.副卷扬机用于更换钻杆或其他取芯工具及提砂筒,也可用于洗井作业。

7.The system oil that has been used for flushing shall be reused after purification.串洗用油在净化后应能被回收利用;

8.You can't defeat a cold by flushing it out of your system, but drinking lots of fluids can help.你当然不能将感冒从身体里冲出去,不过多补充水分还是有帮助的。

9.But a flush loo is no option in slums where rain is the only form of flushing.但冲水式厕所在贫民窟里不太实际,那里只有雨水才能起冲刷作用。

10.Meanwhile, some of Flushing's Afghans worry that their chance at the American dream might be flouted by the U. S. government.与此同时,许多法拉盛地区的阿富汗移民担心他们的美国梦会就此被美国政府击碎。