




1.从空中飞过 ... fly past a small town 飞过小镇 fly through the air 从空中飞过 ...

2.在空中飞行 7. come to pght 被发现 9. fly through the air 在空中飞行 10. be away on hopday 外出研究 ...

3.在空中穿梭 ... 3. in a poor and dangerous area 在一个贫穷、危险的地区 5. fly through the air 在空中穿梭 6. move to 搬到 ...


1.There are ideals that seem to fly through the air waiting to be seized by someone; but this requires intuition and common sense.这些理想似乎飞过天空等待去被某人抓住;但这需要直觉和常识。

2.'Any time shells fly through the air, it's not going to be positive risk, ' said BNP Paribas Asia currency strategist Rob Ryan.法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)亚洲货币策略师赖安(RobRyan)说,无论何时只要有子弹在飞,对市场来说就不会是积极风险。

3.Suddenly, the dog leapt out of the kettle. It seemed to fly through the air, straight at Cao.忽然,那只是狗从锅里跳了出来,象是径直朝曹生源飞赴。

4.Watching Lin Yong and his friends fly through the air makes you wonder whether the sport is not too dangerous.看着林勇和他的朋友在空中翻腾,你会怀疑这项运动是否太危险。

5.He seemed to fly through the air, effortlessly pin wheepng the basketball and slamming it into the hoop.他好像从空中飞过,毫不费力的把球从空中划过然后投入篮中。

6.Rocks fly through the air as supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak clash with anti-Mubarak demonstrators in Tahrir Square in Cairo.总统穆巴拉克支持者与反对者示威人士冲突上石头飞过空中,解放广场,开罗。

7.And that's a ramp. Spring off the thing and fly through the air.就是一个斜面,把人弹出去,飞到半空。

8.DREAM: First you have the sensation of floating, then you soar into the sky and fly through the air.梦境:你现实有种漂浮的感觉,然后一飞冲天,穿过云层。

9.Riders of the Wave Swinger fly through the air at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney on Tuesday.周二悉尼皇家复活节展上,乘坐回旋秋千的游客在空中飞翔。

10.Rootless things fly through the air toward her and land at her feet.空中的飞行物都会朝她飞来,落在她的脚边。