


网络释义:粪便潜血试验(Fecal Occult Blood Test);免疫法粪便潜血反应;粪便隐血试验


1.粪便潜血试验(Fecal Occult Blood Test)每年粪便潜血试验FOBT)或粪便 immunochemcial测试(FIT)的建议。李>每五年灵活 simoidoscopy建议。

2.免疫法粪便潜血反应免疫法粪便潜血反应FOBT)是以粪便潜血免疫分析仪筛检结肠、直肠癌。所谓潜血即为少量肉眼所看不见的出血,其敏感度 …

3.粪便隐血试验  2.粪便隐血试验(FOBT) 其总的息肉检出率较低。近年发展了一些新的FOB检测方法。


5.大便潜血试验  此外,大便潜血试验FOBT)不被推荐用于结直肠癌高危个体的普查,假如具有较强的肿瘤家族史的个体,或具有结直肠炎性 …


1.Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and colonoscopy have been proven to be the effective tools for CRC screening.粪隐血试验(FOBT)以及肠镜检查是最有效的筛查方法。

2.Automated-development, immunochemical FOBT is quapty-controlled, is specific for human hemoglobin, and does not require diet restriction.随着自动化的发展,免疫化学法的FOBT是有质量控制的,而且对于人血红蛋白特异性比较高,还不需要限制饮食。

3.For premenopausal women, a positive FOBT requires full evaluation, as does iron deficiency anemia.对绝经前妇女,积极评价法一样,需要充分缺铁性贫血。

4.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the sensitivity of immunochemical FOBT to small adenomas using a large-scale cohort.目的:采用大样本调查免疫化学法大便隐血实验对检出小腺瘤的敏感性。

5.Within the last year, have you had a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or a fecal immunochemical test (FIT)?过去一年内,是否曾接受过大便隐血测试或大便免疫化学测试?

6.Relationship between the Detection Times of FOBT and the Screening Efficiency of Colorectal Diseases粪隐血检测次数与大肠疾病筛检效率的关系

7.Relations between Positive Times of FOBT and Different Mapgnant Degrees of Colorectal Diseases粪隐血试验的阳性次数与大肠病变良恶性程度关系的研究