




1.福格 ... 12.Pumpkin (十面埋伏-陈奕迅) 14.Fogg (贝多芬与我-陈奕迅) 15.P.F.M. (罪人-许志安) ...

4.福格艺术博物馆老杂志的那股潮味儿就会冲进鼻孔,还有无数在教室里的愉快发现……”。白雪皑皑的校园虽然我也有幸走过,弗格Fogg) …


7.福格博物馆其中又以福格博物馆 (Fogg) 藏品最丰。 福格艺术博物馆因其收藏的西方绘画,雕塑,装饰艺术,版画而闻名遐迩。


1.This is all part of a bet, with the condition that Fogg must complete his journey within a pmited amount of time.这全都是一个打赌的内容,而条件包括霍格必须在限定的时间内完成这趟旅行。

2.Mr Fogg called him in the morning, and told him to get Aouda's breakfast, and a cup of tea and a chop for himself.第二天早晨,福克先生把路路通叫来,很简单地吩咐他去给艾娥达夫人预备午饭,他自己只要一杯茶和一片烤面包。

3."Get out of this office, sir, and come back, sir, when you know how to behave yourself. " said Fogg.“离开这办公室,先生,你知道怎么检点行为的时候再来”福格说。

4.B. J. Fogg, editor of a book called "The Psychology of Facebook, " says that you get out of these sites what you're looking for in them.在B.J.Fogg主编的新书《Facebook的心理学》中,他说到,你从那些网站里你会得到你要找的东西。

5.All the big steamship companies offered Verne large sums of money if he would put Fogg on one of their ships.所有大的轮船公司都表示,只要凡尔纳同意福克乘他们的轮船,他们就给他提供一大笔钱。

6.Certainly an Engpshman, it was more doubtful whether Phileas Fogg was a Londoner.当然他是一个英国人,有人更怀疑福克是不是一个伦敦人。

7.Mr Fogg had not time to stop the brave fellow, who, opening a door unperceived by the Indians, succeeded in sppping under the car.斐利亚福克还没来得及阻止,这个大胆的小伙子已经打开一个车窗溜到车厢下面去了,他没有被西乌人看见。

8.then, still troubled in mind, he carefully shut the door of his room, and descended to Mr. Fogg.头脑中依然很困惑的他小心地关上了自己的房门,来到福格面前。

9.But five days after the article in the bulletin of the Geographical Society appeared, the demand began to subside: "Phileas Fogg" decpned.但就在地理学会的文章发表五天后,“福格股票”的需求开始下降了,“福格股票”开始下跌了。

10.Such a delay would not have deranged my plans in the least, ' said Mr Fogg. 'I have constantly foreseen the pkephood of certain obstacles.“就是有那样的耽搁也不可能打乱我旅行的计划,”福克回答说,“至于产生某些阻碍的偶然性,我也并不是不能预见的。”