


美式发音: [ˈfɔɡi] 英式发音: [ˈfɒɡi]



比较级:foggier  最高级:foggiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.foggy morning





1.有雾的;雾茫茫的not clear because of fog

foggy conditions有雾的环境

a foggy road雾茫茫的道路


‘Do you know where she is?’ ‘Sorry, I haven't the foggiest.’“你知道她在哪儿吗?”“对不起,我一点也不知道。”

not have the foggiest (idea)(informal)完全不知道;一无所知;茫无头绪to not know anything at all about sth

‘Do you know where she is?’ ‘Sorry, I haven't the foggiest.’“你知道她在哪儿吗?”“对不起,我一点也不知道。”


adj.1.full of fog or covered with fog2.confused because you cannot think or see clearly3.not clearly remembered or understood

1.有雾的 windy 有风的, foggy 有雾的, icy 结冰的, ...

2.多雾的 fog n. 雾 foggy a. 多雾的 fold vt. 折叠;合拢 ...

3.模糊的 focus vi. 聚焦, 注视 foggy a. 有雾的, 模糊的 fold vt. 折叠, 合拢 ...

4.雾深的 conference 会议 ... foggy 雾深的, 模糊的... Monday 星期一... ...

5.雾天 下雪 snowy 雾天 foggy 打雷 thundery ...


1.It's one thing to see into the foggy future with acuity and chart the course corrections that the company must make.敏锐地洞察迷雾重重的未来并勾勒出企业所需的航向调整是一码事。

2.And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city.在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。

3.The State Department is depghted to see the arrival of an administration that does not regard Foggy Bottom as enemy-occupied territory.国务院乐于迎来一位不把它当做敌人领地的管理者。

4.I challenge you to take it a step further: stop hiding behind foggy ideas and get our and take a stand.我向你挑战去做更深入的行动:停止在朦胧的观点然后起来坚持自己的立场。

5.For someone who used to grey cold and foggy London, it was a shock to the system, and it was to give him a new momentum in his painting.对于一个习惯了灰蒙蒙的伦敦大雾的人来说,这些景色从骨子里动摇了他的审美观,赐予了他绘画的新动力。

6.In affairs of the heart, this fall foggy Neptune has made it hard for you to see people for who they truly are.这个秋天,朦胧的海王星使你很难看清别人的真实一面。

7.She describes her world as "foggy, as though you were eating hot, steaming noodles with your glasses on. "她描述自己的世界「雾茫茫的,就像戴著眼镜吃著冒著热气的面」。

8.His eyes had become foggy with tears, his voice clear in the dark, but his soul was afraid. So afraid.泪水在不知不觉中如雾一般蒙住了他的双眼,他的声音在黑暗中很清晰,但是他的灵魂很害怕,非常害怕。

9.On a foggy morning, Taj Mahal is as if suspending over the Jamuna river.在雾气蒙蒙的清晨,泰姬陵仿佛悬浮于贾木纳河畔之上。

10.Itwouls cold and foggy in London with souls the moment of the year.在每年的这个岁月,对比一下成人电影成人电影。伦敦冰冷而多雾。