




1.民俗风 ... 10.手链、脚链→ Hand chain,foot chain 1民族风 folk style 2波希米亚风 bohemia style ...

3.名族风简单(Advocating a simple ) 名族风Folk style ) 舒适的面料 (Comfortable fabrics ) 清新的花朵 (Fresh flowers ) 明 …


1.Folk art " indicates an art inheriting folk tradition, or parts of artworks integrating a folk style. "“民俗艺术”系指传承性的民间艺术,或是指民间艺术中融入了传统风俗的部分。

2.This recorded a small singing for the Exquisite writing naive fool girl, are folk style.此录一首为闺情小唱,写少女天真痴情,有民歌风味。

3.folk art; modern packaging design; folk culture; folk style.民间美术;现代包装设计;民俗文化;民俗风。

4.Integrate ostrich eggs with Chinese traditional folk arts , skillfully made in unique formation, designed in powerful folk style .利用鸵鸟蛋与中国传统民间艺术相结合,制作工艺精湛,造型别致,设计富有浓郁的民间特色。

5.Generapzed that a national folk-style songs, folk songs refers to the narrow folk songs.广义民歌指有民族风格的歌曲,狭义民歌即指民族民间歌曲。

6.Uyghur classic poems have not only a long history, but also rich in traditional folk style and in theme, it formed particular art style.维吾尔诗歌创作有着悠久的历史,而且形式多样、题材丰富、形成了自己独特的艺术风格。

7.I am leisurely singing the coolest folk style song.悠悠的唱着最炫的民族风

8.I am singing the coolest folk style song forever.永远都唱着最炫的民族风

9.I have a full length album with reggae folk style rhythms.我有一个民间风格雷鬼节奏全长专辑。

10.Apppcation of Folk Style Performance in Opening Ceremony of Large-Scale Sports Games民间文体形式在大型运动会开幕式表演中的运用——以广东省民间文体形式为例