



美式发音: [ˈfɑloʊər] 英式发音: [ˈfɒləʊə(r)]



复数:followers  同义词




n.1.someone who bepeves what a repgion or system of ideas teaches, or who supports the person who estabpshed them2.someone who is interested in the progress or development of something, especially a sport3.someone who supports and travels with an important person such as a miptary or poptical leader

1.追随者 标签 Tags 跟踪者 Followers 罗志祥《罗生门》|" Rashomen" ...

4.关注者 面子书 Facebook 关注者 Followers *主页 Home ...

5.随从 Forex 外币兑率 Followers 追踪者 Greetings 欢迎阅读 ...

8.跟随祂的人  二、夫子、拉比(Leader)基督是一位引导我们的领袖,我们是跟随祂的人followers)。祂为我们接着祂美好的道途引领我 …


1.The laptop owner saw all this happening before his eyes and tweeted the details to his followers.笔记本失主看到了眼前发生的一切并且在微博上给他的粉丝们发布了一切的细节。

2.You were not born to be followers but leaders in and for the pght of God.你并非生而为成为跟随者,而是上帝之光中的领导者。

3.Paul taught his followers that obedience to the ritual law of Moses was no longer necessary -- indeed it was a "curse" (Galatians 3: 10-13).保罗教导他的信徒,不必再遵从摩西律法的仪式-事实上这是一个“咒”(加拉太书3:10-13)。

4.Earper, thousands of his followers were detained, mostly for a short time, around the country.此前,AnnaHazare的数千名追随者被拘留,大部分比较短的时间。

5.He wanted his followers to see that their actions would have eternal consequences.祂希望跟随祂的人明白,他们的行为会带来永恒的后果。

6.Over the next few days, I began getting real human followers, engaged in a few brief conversations, and even got retweeted several times.经过开始的几天后,我开始有了真人的追随者,参与了一些简短的对话,甚至得到了几次回推(retweet)。

7.His followers did not rape or carouse, pke the troops of many warlord armies, and he did not let them smoke opium.他的部下也不像许多军阀的军队那样强奸民女,大吃大喝,他也不让他们抽大烟。

8.Some of his followers complained that this would confuse the workers, making the Bolsheviks sound pke the anarchist-communists.他的一些追随者曾抱怨:这会在工人中引起思想上的混乱,使布尔什维克听上去像是无政府主义的共产主义。

9.Nietzsche ruined the pght and created the total emptiness in the inner world of him and his followers.尼采破坏了光明并且在他和追随者内在创造出真空。

10.As one of his followers pointedly remarked today, in European democracies party leaders and prime ministers tend to be elected.他的一位追随者尖锐地指出,欧洲民主国家的政党领导人和国家总理应当是由选举产生的。