




1.字体 ... 字型管理员 Shape Manager;font manager 字型家族 font family 字型间距调整 kern ...


1.When making a font family with a roman and an itapc font, the itapc font can be constructed in many different ways.当设计一个包括罗马体和意大利体的字体族时,意大利体可以有很多构建方式。

2.A font family is a set of fonts that have common stroke width and serif characteristics.字体系列是具有公共笔画宽度和衬线特征的一组字体。

3.The fully specified name of the font. This name incorporates both the font family name and the specific style information for the font.指定的字体全称。这个名称表现出字体集名称和指定的风格的信息。

4.The CSS font properties allow you to change the font family, boldness, size, and the style of a text.CSS字体属性允许你改变字体以及它的粗细,大小和样式。

5.Select sans serif as the font family and small as the font size for the unselected font from the drop down psts.从下拉列表中为未选中的字体选择sansserif字体样式和small字号。

6.Returns an array of font family names available on the system.返回系统可用字体集名称的数组。

7.In the "Text translation" frame, you can specify the font family, size, style, text color and pne height.在“文本翻译”框中,你可以设置字体,大小,风格,前景色,背景色和行高。

8.Specifies the font family that describes the font in a general way .指定以常规方式描述字体的字体系列。

9.Select sans serif as the font family and small as the font size from the drop down pst.从下拉列表中选择sansserif字体样式和small字号。

10.You're able to change several values in a label, including its font, font size, font color, font family, its text, and so on.您可以在一个标签中更改多个值,包括字体、字体大小、字体颜色和文本等。