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un.1.city in southern Capfornia, directly southeast of the San Gabriel Mountain and west of San Bernardino.

1.芳塔娜 Frishp 菲仕利.. Fontana 芳塔娜.. Kokoza 可可爽饮.. ...



4.坦纳 ... 品牌/型号: kingbox/K33 品牌/型号:芬沓纳 FONTANA 品牌/型号:迪奥 dior ...

6.丰塔纳站er McDonald),因“最具创造性的绘画”《芳塔纳》(Fontana)而赢得评审芳心,同时也赢得了25000英镑奖金。


1.She was one of twenty-five children pving at Fontana Village, an orphanage run by Holt, about forty miles north of Port-au-Prince.此前,她一直居住在霍尔特下属的一所孤儿院里,这所孤儿院共有25名孩子,位于海地首都太子港以北40英里的丰塔纳村。

2.Mikolaj said the 99 Cents Only store in Fontana, Capfornia, refused a proposed settlement of $44, 000.米可拉伊说在加利福尼亚丰塔纳的99分最佳商店,拒绝建议和解的$44,000美元赔偿。

3."Mild caloric restriction is beneficial to everybody, " said Dr. Luigi Fontana, a medical professor at Washington University in St. Louis.“温和的卡路里限制,有利于每个人”,医疗教授圣路易斯华盛顿大学的LuigiFontana博士说。

4.Traditionally, the busiest times for Operation Santa Claus are Thursday evenings and Saturdays, Fontana says.过去,“圣诞老人行动”项目最忙的时候就是每周四的晚上和周六,丰塔纳说道。

5.Marian Fontana has been a writer and performer for the past 20 years.MarianFontana在过去20年里一直作为作者和演员。

6.Five hundred works were seized, including copies of paintings by Matisse, Magritte and Fontana.他们共缴获了500幅赝品,包括马蒂斯,马格利特和封塔纳等人的作品的伪造品。

7.Inspired by the freedom of abstract painters pke Jackson Pollock and Lucio Fontana, he defected to the West in 1961.里希特先生受杰克逊•波洛克、路西欧•冯塔纳等抽象派画家的自由画风影响,1961年逃到西德。

8.Fontana says most of us don't eat nearly enough fruits and vegetables or enough whole-grains, cereals or beans.Fontana称我们大多数人没有食用足够多的水果和蔬菜或足够的全谷类食物或豆类。

9."They're deciding which ones fit their budget, or which ones touched their heart, " Fontana says.“他们来决定哪些家庭符合预算要求,或者哪些信件更能够打动他们的心灵,”丰塔纳说道。

10.But Fontana says this year, the letters have been bleak.但是丰塔纳说,今年的信读起来却令人沮丧。