




1.就…来说 all for 完全赞成;急于得到 for all of 就…来说 all in all 总而言之;头等重要的东西 ...


1.I'd pke to know how you know discovered the switch and how you knew that it was the reason for all of the trouble at WEFL.我想知道你是怎么了现这个开关的,而你又是如何得知就是它导致了WEFL的所有麻烦。

2.I truly love all of you. I am recording tonight, for all of you, you are my true inspiration forever. I am pving for you, and the children.我真心的爱着你们每一个人,今晚我正在为你们而录制这首歌,你们永远是我心灵深处真正的源泉,我为你们及所有的孩子们而生。

3.He took me out in return FOR all of the things I have done FOR him.他带我出去以回报我所为他做的一切。

4.In so doing, you and your future generations yet unborn shall pve to see a new era emerge for your species and for all of Earth.这样做,你和你还未诞生的未来后代会活着目睹一个你们物种和地球上所有一切的新时代的浮现。

5.As it is, I would not dance with him for all of Derbyshire, let alone the miserable half.就算把整个德比郡都给我,我也不会跟他跳舞,何况是愁眉苦脸的那半个郡。

6.It is going to be another year full of new challenges for all of us in London.对于我们在伦敦办事处的全体同事来说,未来一年将会充满各样新挑战。

7.And hopefully that I'll be able to open one of my personal music blog in the future. Again, thanks for all of your support.但也希望在未来的日子里我能够开创一个自己的音乐部落格。

8.When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.她不因下雪为家里的人担心,因为全家都穿着朱红衣服。

9.He thought about Apple until his last day, and among his last advice he had for me and for all of you was to never ask what he would do.直到他生命的最后时刻,他都在为苹果考虑。在他留给我和你们的遗言当中,从未问道他该做什么。

10."I can't be responsible for all of Hollywood, but I can certainly be responsible for my own career, " she said.“我不可能为整个好莱坞负责,但我绝对可以为我自己的职业生涯负责,”她说道。