

for the purposes of

美式发音: 英式发音: 




1.One learns from Butler that she flew wearing men's underpants (they were apparently superior to a woman's for the purposes of a quick pee).从巴特勒那可以得知,她飞行的时候都是穿男式内裤(在快速小便方面,显然优于女式的)。

2.For the purposes of describing where to put the probes, we're going to look at a simple program for determining prime numbers.为了说明把探测放在什么地方,我们来看一个用于判断素数的简单程序。

3.As you can see, for the purposes of this experiment, the reason participants were thinking abstractly didn't matter so much.正如我们能够知道的,对于这个实验而言,做一般性思考的参与者所要考虑的,为什么要保持良好的人际关系的原因并不重要。

4.With the database and tables in place, you are ready to pull in our data that for the purposes of this article, resides in a CSV file.现在数据库和表已建好,可以将本文所用到的数据填充进去,这些数据在CSV文件中。

5.Winehouse went through the album, dutifully, and for the purposes of this show, there was pttle from her first album.怀恩豪斯带着责任感制作了这张专辑。为了配合这场秀,在内容上并没有沿袭第一张专辑。

6.The objectification of that child, her voice commodified for the purposes of the state, was the real ode to the motherland.这个孩子的声音是客体,为了整个国家的利益,化为一种对祖国最美丽的赞诗。

7.However, for the purposes of the shopping cart UI, all the user needs to see is the name and quantity of each item in the cart.但是,对于购物车用户界面来说,用户需要查看的只是每个商品的名称和数量。

8.For the purposes of the article, we'll alternate between male and female gender examples ( "him" in one step, "her" in the next).为本文目的,我们将用男、女性别例子交替采用(一次用“他”,下一次用“她”)。

9.For the purposes of this article, I focus on SimpleXML as it is one of the most commonly used pbraries and one of my favorites.对于本文的目的,我们主要关注的是SimpleXML,这是因为它是一个最常用的库,同时也是我的最爱的库之一。

10.Court case verdicts do not constitute binding precedents. However, they are used for the purposes of judicial reference and guidance.法院判例不具先例约束力,但具有司法参照及指导作用。