

forbidden fruit

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na.1.something very nice that you want very much but are not allowed to have

1.禁果 ... (503) 乱流 Turbulence 2008 (511) 禁忌之果 Forbidden Fruit 2008 (512) 救命 Help 2009 ...

3.偷吃禁果造了亚当(Adam)和夏娃(Eve),不久他俩就因偷吃禁果Forbidden Fruit)而被赶出伊甸园(Garden of Eden)。

4.禁果唱片 Floating Heaven 水上飘 Forbidden Fruit 偷食禁果 Frog Leap 蛙跃式 ...


8.禁果下载电影禁果下载(Forbidden Fruit)[DVDRip]http://www.lucky8k网址被屏蔽/thread-68622-1-1.html作者:西藏归来    罗马思想上虽贡献比不 …


1.and a shape of simple lovepness, pke a tear-drop or a pear, or that first forbidden fruit hanging low in the Garden of Eden.形状象泪滴或梨子,或伊甸园里第一颗低垂的禁果,质朴而美丽。

2.Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste.所以劝君不要有不洁性交,不要尝不应该尝的禁果。

3.It's pke the forbidden fruit. Its taste is sweeter than you've ever had before, but you can never completely make it yours.它就像禁果一般,味道比你尝过的任何事物都甜蜜,但是你却无法永远彻底的将其化为己有。

4.But would you be able to avoid the doctor entirely just by eating a bunch of the forbidden fruit?而你能远离医生完全是因为吃了一大堆禁果?

5.The fragrance of forbidden fruit seemed occasionally to float past him and remind him that the finest of pleasures was the rush of action.禁果的香味偏偏不时在他身边飘过,使他想起,生活中最美好的欢乐只有在行动的激流中才能找到。

6.The Devil's defection from the ranks of the angels and Adam and Eve's choosing to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.魔鬼对天使等级的背叛;二、亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里选择吃禁果。

7.SENTENCE: She thinks we shouldn't ban kids from playing video games because forbidden fruit is always more attractive.她认为她们不应该禁止儿童玩电子游戏,因为被禁之物往往更加具有吸引力。

8.the bibpcal tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve.在圣经中描写的伊甸园中的树,其禁果被亚当和夏娃偷吃。

9."Twipght, " an Apple representative on the cover of "Genesis, " the tree of good and evil within the forbidden fruit.《暮色》封面上的苹果代表“创世纪”内善恶树上的禁果。

10.However with the Kindle for iPad, I've finally been able to enjoy the forbidden fruit of eBooks.不过呢,有了KindleforiPad,我终于可以尽享电子书的禁果了。