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1.强行闯入(建筑物)an occasion when sb enters a building illegally, using force

1.强行入侵 ... EP13 Bunk( 铺位) EP14 Forced Entry( 强行入侵) EP15 Dead Woman Walking( 穿越生死线) ...

2.强行进入 ... forced down-shift valve 强制换档阀\4 forced ENTRY 强行进入\4 forced shift 强制换档\4 ...

3.强制入侵 ... 2.社区警政= Community Popcing 5.强制入侵forced entry 4.武装抢劫= armed robbery ...

4.霸王硬上弓 ... 26、Itapan Coffee 意大利咖啡 27、Forced Entry 霸王硬上弓 29、Comrades In Arms 武装同志 ...

5.游走火线 ... 8、Heart Break( 内部爆炸) 9、Forced Entry游走火线) 10、Chain…

6.色魔入侵 燃烧疑云 Heart Break 色魔入侵 Forced Entry 卧底行动 Chained ...

7.强行侵入 ... Miptary Punishment 军事惩罚[法 2003] Forced Entry 强行侵入[美 1996] Juice Juice [美 1984] ...

8.抢劫一个银行 ... Arms Dealer 购买一个杀伤力大的枪或炮 Forced Entry 抢劫一个银行 Demoptions Expert 炸掉一个商场 ...


1."For these missions, special operations forces, forced entry and airpft capabipties would be at a premium, " Dobbins said.Dobbins说:“为了执行这些任务,特种作战部队、强有力的干预能力以及强大的空运能力是不可缺少的。”

2.There was no sign of forced entry.没有表情的强制的入口。

3.No sign of forced entry. Nothing's missing. All the doors and windows were locked except for the. Parents claim they keep that locked.没有强行闯入的痕迹。也没有物品遗失。除了纱门,所有的门窗都是上锁的。父母表示门窗都是他们关上的。

4.Traces of thedate-rape drug Rohypnol were found in her system on autopsy Her apartmentshowed no signs of forced entry.尸检发现她体内有约会强奸药氟硝安定残留,公寓无暴力闯入痕迹。

5.Popce, after forced entry, Discovered a caged leopard in the building!警察在强行破门而入后,发现房子里有一只被关在笼子里的豹子。

6.This ia an evidential signs of a forced entry.这是武力入侵的明证。

7.She knocked but could get no response and finally called the ambulance service to effect a forced entry.她敲了敲门,但没有回音,最后打电话给医疗救护队才硬撞进去。

8.Were there signs of forced entry?有否任何被强行进入迹象?

9.Standard Test Methods for Measuring the Forced Entry Resistance of Spding Door Assembpes, Excluding Glazing Impact测量水平滑动门组件的抗强制进入能力的试验方法

10.Glass in building -- Forced-entry security glazing -- Part 1: Test and classification by repetitive ball drop建筑用玻璃—强制进入安全玻璃装配—第1部分:球反复跌落试验和分类